Dannevirke Borough Council

TDC 1.11
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date

In 1892 the Dannevirke Town Board was constituted a Borough Council. In 1987 the Borough amalgamated with the Dannevirke County Council to form the short lived Dannevirke District Council.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Dannevirke District Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Dannevirke Town Board


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Abattoir Ledgers TDC 00404 1910-1972
Accounts Book TDC 00415 1920-1922
Aerial Photograph of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00639 1977-11-08-1977-11-08
Aerial Photograph of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00640 1980-10-14-1980-10-14
Aerial Photographs of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00635 1957-06-14-1957-06-14
Aerial Photographs of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00636 1965-08-07-1965-08-07
Aerial Photographs of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00637 1966-06-10-1966-06-10
Aerial Photographs of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00638 1974-10-06-1974-10-06
Aerial Photographs, Mosaic of Dannevirke Borough TDC 00634 1957-06-14-1957-06-14
Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets TDC 00051 1896-1987
Building Permit Registers TDC 00398 1908-1987
Compost Ledger TDC 00405 1949-1968
Compost Sales Cash Book TDC 00406 1955-1962
Computer Rate Books TDC 00394 1978-1985
Dangerous Goods Licence Book TDC 00400 1938-1941
Dannevirke Borough Council Agenda Papers for Council Meetings TDC 00047 1984-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Agendas for Committee Meetings TDC 00048 1984-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Contract Files TDC 00278 1970-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council General Ledgers and Dannevirke Town Board General Ledger TDC 00385 1885-1980
Dannevirke Borough Council Inward and Outward Correspondence from Town Clerks Office TDC 00021 1903-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Inward and Outward Correspondence in Subject Files from Engineers Department TDC 00022 1918-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Letterbooks and Dannevirke Town Board Letterbook TDC 00378 1887-1927
Dannevirke Borough Council Letterpress Copybook of Outward Correspondence re Loans TDC 00380 1904-1906
Dannevirke Borough Council Letterpress Copybooks of Outward Correspondence from Borough Engineer TDC 00379 1908-1912
Dannevirke Borough Council Meeting Minutes TDC 00365 1892-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of "In Committee" Meetings TDC 00375 1963-1965
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Committees, Sub-committees and Special Committees TDC 00366 1904-1908
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of Finance Committee TDC 00376 1965-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of Gas, Finance and Library Committee TDC 00369 1920-1947
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of meetings of Sports Centre Committee TDC 00373 1957-1959
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of the Abattoir, Works and Town Hall Committees TDC 00368 1935-1947
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of The Finance, Library and Town Hall Committee TDC 00371 1947-1961
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of the Library Committee TDC 00367 1898-1925
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of Meetings of the Works, Abattoir, Domain and Sports Committee TDC 00372 1947-1961
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of meetings of Works Committee TDC 00377 1965-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of meetings of Works, Abattoir, Domain, Sports Centre, Finance, Library and Town Hall Committees TDC 00374 1961-1965
Dannevirke Borough Council Minutes of the meetings of the Gas, Domains and Council Properties Committee TDC 00370 1947-1961
Dannevirke Borough Council Outward Correspondence Books TDC 00381 1927-1987
Dannevirke Borough Council Parks & Reserves Committee Reports TDC 00679 1974-1977
Dannevirke Borough Council Rate Books and Dannevirke Town Board Rate Book TDC 00393 1886-1964
Dannevirke Borough District Electors' Roll TDC 00672 1950-01-01-1950-12-31
Dannevirke Unemployment Office Wages Books TDC 00052 1932-1935
Engineers Costing Book TDC 00389 1932-1947
Expenditure Cash Books TDC 00410 1920-1967
Food Premises Licence Book TDC 00403 1982-1984
Gas Consumers Ledgers TDC 00413 1919-1944
General Account Books for Private Works, Rents, Hireage and Materials Sold TDC 00388 1900-1925
General Ledger Expenditure Reports TDC 00386 1980-1987
General Ledgers for Gas Department TDC 00414 1955-1971
Group photographs of Mayors, Councillors and Staff of Dannevirke Borough Council TDC 00618 1903-1987