Eketahuna County Council

TDC 3.0
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date

In November 1898 the Eketahuna County Council was created from the Eketahuna Road District which was part of the Wairarapa North County Council. In 1915 the county almost doubled in size when the Alfredton Riding joined from the neighbouring Masterton County. In 1975 the Eketahuna Borough Council amalgamated with the County. In October 1989 the Eketahuna County Council amalgamated with four other councils to form the Tararua District Council.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Tararua District Council
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Eketahuna Town Board
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Wairarapa North County Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Eketahuna Road Board
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Eketahuna Borough Council


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Aerial Photographs, Fotomaps of Eketahuna County TDC 00641 1943-12-09-1944-09-07
Aerial Photographs, Miscellaneous Eketahuna County Prints TDC 00643 1943-12-09-1969-10-13
Alfredton Cemetery Burial Warrants TDC 00138 1917-1986
Balance Sheets and Annual Accounts TDC 00127 1900-1989
Building Permit Form Copies TDC 00132 1972-1989
Building Permit Forms TDC 00130 1948-1989
Building Permit Register TDC 00133 1960-1985
Certificates of Registration TDC 00134 1964-1980
Correspondence files TDC 00601 1953-1992
Eketahuna Community Council Minutes of Meetings TDC 00464 1975-1986
Eketahuna County Council Bridge Register TDC 00680 1960-1978
Eketahuna County Council Building Permit Files TDC 00129 1948-1958
Eketahuna County Council Contract Ledgers TDC 00683 1900-1989
Eketahuna County Council Index to Inward Correspondence TDC 00445 1901-1904
Eketahuna County Council Inward and Outward Correspondence in Subject Files TDC 00032 1912-1989
Eketahuna County Council minutes of committee meetings TDC 00124 1980-1985
Eketahuna County Council Minutes of Committee Meetings TDC 00122 1980-1989
Eketahuna County Council Minutes of Council Meetings TDC 00443 1899-1989
Eketahuna County Council Minutes of Finance Committee Meetings TDC 00121 1899-1937
Eketahuna County Council notices of motion TDC 00123 1901-1938
Eketahuna County Council Outwards correspondence letter books TDC 00126 1983-1990
Eketahuna County Council Rate Books TDC 00458 1935-1959
Eketahuna District Community Centre Committee Minutes of Meetings TDC 00465 1967-1986
Eketahuna District Promotion Committee Minutes TDC 00125 1963-1963
Eketahuna Emergency Organisation Minutes (Civil Defence) TDC 00444 1958-1965
Eketahuna Road Board Minutes of Meetings, Eketahuna County Wages Book, Eketahuna County Heavy Traffic and Traction Engine Licence Register TDC 00466 1886-1907
Employees Wages Ledger Cards TDC 00455 1955-1987
Expenditure Cash Books TDC 00447 1932-1960
File Index TDC 00600 1983-1989
Fire Permits TDC 00136 1974-1978
General Ledger Expenditure and Receipt Cards TDC 00449 1960-1986
General Ledger Expenditure Reports TDC 00450 1986-1989
General Ledgers TDC 00448 1916-1953
Group photographs of Chairman, Councillors and Staff TDC 00620 1980-1980
Hinemoa Rural Water Supply Records TDC 00598 1975-1984
Main Highways Bridge Reports TDC 00686 1931-1948
Maps of Eketahuna County TDC 00513 1922-1976
Newspaper Clippings of Public Notices and Topical Issues TDC 00137 1932-1989
Payroll Masterfile Dumps TDC 00456 1986-1989
Plant Operating Ledger Cards TDC 00452 1967-1985
Plant Operating Reports TDC 00453 1980-1989
Plant Register TDC 00451 1949-1987
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Form Books TDC 00131 1960-1990
Property Transfers TDC 00463 1964-1995
Public Building Licences TDC 00135 1966-1967
Rate and Valuation Cards TDC 00459 1959-1986
Rate Arrears Book TDC 00460 1923-1989
Rate Assessment Sheets TDC 00128 1986-1990
Receipts Cash Book TDC 00446 1933-1938
Rental/Rural Housing Register TDC 00454 1941-1993