Kuku Drainage Board
HRC 7.7
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date
The Kuku Drainage Board was set up in 1926. The Board continued to operate after the creation of the Manawatu Catchment Board in 1943, providing a close link to the farmers in the area and carrying out maintenance to the existing drains until the Catchment Board was able to design a comprehensive scheme for the area. In 1961 the Board was dissolved and all functions were taken over by the Catchment Board.
Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board
Name Sort descending | Identifier | Dates |
Kuku Drainage Board Cash Book | HRC 00078 | 1926-1960 |
Kuku Drainage Board Correspondence | HRC 00080 | 1925-1961 |
Kuku Drainage Board Minute Book | HRC 00081 | 1926-1961 |
Kuku Drainage Board Rate Records | HRC 00079 | 1928-1961 |