Marton Borough Council

RDC 2.0
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date

The Marton Borough Council was formed in 1879 from the Marton Local Board. In 1989 the Borough amalgamated with the Rangitikei County Council and the Taihape Borough Council to form the Rangitikei District Council.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Rangitikei District Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Marton Local Board


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
A3 Plans or Smaller RDC 00215 1969-1997
Administrative files (1st series) RDC 00071 1909-1969
Administrative files (2nd series) RDC 00050 1953-1979
Administrative files (3rd series) RDC 00051 1953-1990
Aerial Photograph of the Marton Dam RDC 00222 1986-03-08
Aerial Photographs of Marton Borough RDC 00219 1942-08-30-1949-05-23
Aerial Photographs of Marton Borough RDC 00220 1966-1966
Aerial Photographs of Marton Borough RDC 00221 1975-09-28-1975-12-22
Agendas and Papers RDC 00110 1972-1989
Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets RDC 00044 1890-1989
Card Index to Minutes [1st Sequence] RDC 00262 1938-1965
Card Index to Minutes [2nd Sequence] RDC 00265 1966-1989
Council Contracts RDC 00063 1912-1989
Declaration Books RDC 00292 1879-1986
Emergency Precaution Scheme (EPS) Register RDC 00148 1940 (year approximate)-1940 (year approximate)
Inwards Correspondence RDC 00268 1925-1953
Inwards Correspondence, Mayor Vic Goodman RDC 00276 1971-1985
Letterpress copy book of outwards correspondence, Financial information RDC 00181 1904-1912
Letterpress copy book of outwards correspondence, General RDC 00183 1893-1926
Letterpress copy book of outwards correspondence, Internal notices and miscellaneous RDC 00182 1906-1920
Licence Cards RDC 00263 1954-1961
Marton Block sheets, 1st sequence RDC 00217 1975-1975
Marton Block sheets, 2nd sequence RDC 00218 1975-1975
Marton Block Sheets, Watermains RDC 00257 1986-1986
Marton Borough Block sheets (3rd sequence) RDC 00238 1986-1986
Marton Borough Block sheets (Lands and Surveys) RDC 00236 1983-1983
Marton Borough Council Notices of Motion RDC 00301 1879-1975
Marton Borough Numbered Maps and Plans RDC 00214 1887-1999
Marton Centennial Information RDC 00059 1879-2004
Marton Central Relief Committee Minute Book (1931) & George V Silver Jubilee Committee Minutes (1935) RDC 00302 1931-1935
Marton Plan Registers RDC 00234
Memorial Hall Committee Minutes RDC 00299 1969-1980
Minutes of Committee Meetings RDC 00171 1949-1973
Minutes of Council Meetings (Duplicate) RDC 00185 1879-1884
Minutes of Defunct Committees: Unemployment and Housing, Marton Promotion Committee, Rangitikei River Conservation committee, Joint Health and Building RDC 00175 1983-1985
Minutes of In Committee items RDC 00002 1983-1989
Minutes of Marton Earthquake Refugee Home's Arrangement Committee RDC 00186 1931-1931
Minutes of Marton Park Grandstand Committee RDC 00187 1929-1937
Minutes of Miscellaneous Committees RDC 00005 1973-1977
Minutes of the Council Meetings RDC 00001 1879-1989
Minutes of the Finance Committee RDC 00172 1983-1989
Minutes of the Finance Committee RDC 00003 1973-1977
Minutes of the Reserves Committee RDC 00173 1983-1989
Minutes of the Reserves Committee RDC 00004 1973-1977
Minutes of the Sundry Committees RDC 00006 1983-1989
Minutes of the Town Planning Hearings RDC 00007 1984-1989
Minutes of the Works Committee RDC 00174 1983-1989
Minutes of the Works Committee RDC 00008 1973-1977
Miscellaneous Newspaper Clippings Collections concerning Marton RDC 00061 1945-1988
Newspaper Clippings of Council Advertisements and Topical items RDC 00111 1903-1988