Palmerston North City Council

Has Beginning Date

Palmerston North came into official existence in 1866 under the name of ‘Palmerston’ (North was added by the postal authorities in 1871) and administered by the Wellington Provincial Council. In 1877 it became an self-governing Borough and elected its first Borough Council. Palmerston North reached city status, with a resulting name change to the Palmerston North City Council, in 1930. In 1989 a major territorial change took place, whereby Palmerston North took over the territory of Kairanga County Council and part of the Oroua County Council (Ashhurst). The Palmerston North Council Archives are arranged and described under two plans of arrangment: The original arrangement plan, created in 1978-1979, reflected the organisational structure of the Council during the 1970s (Series 1 – 10 contain the records of the 10 departments of Council that were progressively created between 1877 – and 1973). A new plan of arrangement was created in 1996, where the record type took precedence over the creator.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Aerial Photographs, Prints for NZ Mosaic Series, Palmerston North and Environs HRC 00410 1945-11-18
Arena Manawatū PNCC 00094 1992-2006 (year approximate)
Asset Management Plans PNCC 00088 1997-2002
Awards, Industrial Agreements and Employment Contracts PNCC 00031 1971-1992
Badges and Medals PNCC 1/40 1970 (year approximate)
Building Plans PNCC 00045 1907 (year approximate)-2004
Bunnythorpe Cemetery Trust PNCC 00078 1896-2014
Caccia Birch House PNCC 00095 1984 (year approximate)-1994 (year approximate)
Caccia Birch Trust Board PNCC 00046 1989-2022
Charitable Aid Board PNCC 00072 1981-2007
City Base Maps PNCC 2/23/17 1980 (year approximate)
Community Housing PNCC 00091 1995 (year approximate)-2009
Community Recreation Advisers - Subject Files PNCC 00043 1990-1993
Correspondence and Subject Files PNCC 00050 1968-2018
Director of Corporate Services - Subject Files PNCC 00026 1988-1992
District Schemes and District Plans PNCC 00028 1990-2010
Engineering Contracts PNCC 00027 1992-2015
Gordon Kear Forest PNCC 00087 1983-2003
HAIL Site Files - 1st Sequence HRC 00504 1992-02-19-2015-03-30
HAIL Site Files - 2nd Sequence HRC 00505 1994-08-10-2019-09-06
Ian Matheson City Archives Management Files PNCC 00075 1970 (year approximate)-2015
Kelvin Grove Cemetery and Crematorium PNCC 00081 1947-2019
Legal Documents - Property Office Files PNCC 00050B 1994 (year approximate)-2024
Library Assets PNCC 00085 1975-2019
Liquor Licensing - Subject Files PNCC 00024 1963-1990
Mayor's Correspondence PNCC 00036 1983-1999
Mayor's Office PNCC 00035 2022
Minutes of Council and Committee Meetings - Confidential PNCC 00021 1989-2022
Minutes of Council and Committee Meetings - Public PNCC 00020 1989-2022
Minutes of District Licensing Committee Meetings PNCC 00021A 2014-2022
Outward Correspondence - Various Community Organisations PNCC 11/3/1 1896-1917
Palmerston North City Council Annual and 10 Year Plans PNCC 00051 1990-2021
Palmerston North City Council Annual Reports PNCC 00052 1989-2016
Palmerston North City Council Burial Papers PNCC 00066 1991-2009
Palmerston North City Council Burial Site Certificates PNCC 00054 1988
Palmerston North City Council Bylaws PNCC 00053 1920-2008
Palmerston North City Council Certificates of Compliance PNCC 00056 1992-1996
Palmerston North City Council City Engineer PNCC 00062 1964 (year approximate)-2000
Palmerston North City Council City Manager PNCC 00068 1990-1996
Palmerston North City Council Civil Defence PNCC 00073 1992-1998
Palmerston North City Council Core Policies PNCC 00064 1999-2007
Palmerston North City Council Cremation Papers PNCC 00065 1955-2016
Palmerston North City Council Engineering Subdivisional Applications PNCC 00058 1957 (year approximate)-2006
Palmerston North City Council Handbooks PNCC 00057 1991
Palmerston North City Council Land Use Resource Consents PNCC 00055 1991-2002
Palmerston North City Council Maps and Plans PNCC 00086 1990-2005
Palmerston North City Council Newsletters PNCC 00074 1986-2010
Palmerston North City Council Permits to Erect Tombstone PNCC 00067 1986-2006
Palmerston North City Council Redevelopment Plans and Photographs PNCC 00048 1992-1993
Palmerston North City Council Retention and Disposal Schedule PNCC 00061 1982-2003