Rangitikei County Council

RDC 1.0
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date

rectangle logo with three triangular mountains in background and a flowing river forming the letter R





The Rangitikei County Council was one of 63 counties established in 1876 as a replacement for the Provinces.

The Rangitikei County Council, unlike most other counties in NZ, never fragmented. Instead the County’s boundaries were extended a number of times. In 1904 the boundaries were extended to take in part of the Erewhon Riding of the Hawkes Bay County Council. In 1918 the County’s boundaries were extended again to take in the former Upper Wangaehu Road District area from the Wanganui County Council. In 1920 the County took in the remaining portions of the Erewhon Riding from Hawkes Bay County Council.

After 1920 there were occasional minor changes between neighbouring counties and the Marton and Taihape Boroughs, with the last major change in 1952 when the Rangitikei County took over Waiouru township and surrounding area from Waimarino County.

In 1989 the County amalgamated with the Marton and Taihape Boroughs to form the Rangitikei District Council. Part of the northern area of the county around the town of Waiouru was split off and joined the new Ruapehu District Council.



In 1877 the county was established with seven ridings:

  • Clifton
  • Rangitoto
  • Porewa
  • Whangaehu
  • Makohau
  • Otakapu
  • Paraekaretu

In 1888 the new riding of Maungaraupi was established.

In 1893 Clifton riding was disestablished, and the new ridings of Ohingaiti, Otairi and Mangahoe were created. Makohau and Whangaehu combined to form a new Whangaehu riding.

In 1905 Paraekaretu and Maungaraupi were joined to form Rangatira. Ohingaiti and Mangahoe became Te Kapua. Erewhon Riding was created from part of the neighbouring Hawkes Bay County.

In 1918 the upper Whangaehu Road District of Wanganui County was added to the County and became Ruanui.

In 1920 the rest of the Hawkes Bay County Erewhon riding joined the Rangitikei County riding of the same name.

In 1957 the Bulls County Town was formed from the former Town Board.

In 1962 the Pukepapa Riding was created from parts of the Rangitoto and Otakapu Ridings.


Town Boards/Town Councils

When the County was formed in 1876, three Boards, the Lethbridge, Bulls and Marton Local Boards had already been operating since 1873. The Marton Local Board was reconstituted as the Marton Borough Council in 1879. In 1881 the Towns Board Act renamed the Lethbridge and Bulls Local Boards as Town Boards. In 1905 the Hunterville Town Board was formed. In 1906 the Taihape Borough Council was formed. In 1910 the Mangaweka Town Board was formed. No further town boards were formed after this.

In 1925, the Lethbridge Town Board amalgamated back into the County. In 1955 all Town Boards were renamed as Town Councils by the Municipal Corporations Act, 1954. In 1957 the Bulls Town Council amalgamated back into the County. This in turn was followed by Mangaweka in 1966 and finally Hunterville in 1975.


Community Committees/Councils

Following the amalgamation of the three town councils in 1957-1975, various other committees were set up to ensure that the County would continue to receive feedback from local communities. All administrative services were provided by the County and the powers these committees had varied.

County Town Committees

  • Bulls 1957-1971
  • Mangaweka 1965-1974
  • Ratana 1963-1974

Community Councils

  • Mangaweka 1975-1989
  • Hunterville 1975-1989
  • Ratana 1975-1989
  • Koitiata 1981-1989

County Boroughs

  • Bulls 1971-1974

District Community Councils

  • Bulls 1974-1989


Highway/Road Boards

Only the Rangitikei Highway Board, created in 1872, was within the Counties boundaries as established in 1877. This amalgamated with the County in 1883. The only other Road Board to be formed within the County was the short lived Hunterville Road Board, formed in 1897 and amalgamated back into the County in 1898.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Rangitikei District Council
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Marton Local Board
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Taihape Borough Council
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Ruapehu District Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Bulls Town Board/Town Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Mangaweka Town Board/Town Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Hunterville Town Board/Town Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Wellington Provincial Government
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Wanganui County Council [I]
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Hunterville Road Board
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Rangitikei Highway Board
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Lethbridge Town Board
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Waimarino County Council


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Administrative files (1st series) RDC 00046 1906-1945
Administrative files (2nd series) RDC 00087 1900-1958
Administrative files (3rd series) RDC 00065 1927-2008
Administrative files (4th series) RDC 00079 1928-2005
Administrative Files (General Transition) RDC 00277 1988-1989
Administrative files index (1st series only) RDC 00047 1918-1926
Aerial Photograph of Ben Nevis Hill, Wanganui Road RDC 00248 1979-11-05
Aerial Photograph of Koitiata RDC 00247 1979-11-05
Aerial Photographs of Erewhon Rural Water Supply area RDC 00246 1978-10-29-1980-04-16
Aerial Photographs of Bulls County Town RDC 00223 1971-1971
Aerial Photographs of Bulls County Town RDC 00239 1971-03-29
Aerial Photographs of Mangahoe Road RDC 00243 1968-05-12
Aerial Photographs of Napier-Taihape Road RDC 00245 1980-10-14
Aerial Photographs of Otupae Bridge Watershed RDC 00244 1947-09-19
Aerial Photographs of Rangitikei County River Mouths RDC 00242 1967-09-07-1968-09-07
Agenda and Papers RDC 00112 1980-1989
Agendas and Reports County Clerks copy RDC 00135 1959-1979
Agendas and Reports County Engineers copy RDC 00134 1952-1969
Amendment notices for Valuation Rolls RDC 00122 1918-1955
Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets RDC 00043 1888-1977
Bulls Block Sheets RDC 00255
Bulls Public Pound Impounding Register RDC 00306 1884-1932
Card Index to Minutes [1st Sequence] RDC 00260 1932-1955
Card Index to Minutes [2nd Sequence] RDC 00261 1956-1978
Cash Books RDC 00207 1877-1899
Contract Cash Books (Northern part of County) RDC 00163 1900-1926
Contract Tender Acceptance Copybook RDC 00304 1930-1933
Contracts RDC 00068 1933-1988
Contracts Ledger (1st Series) RDC 00162 1887-1901
Contracts Ledgers (2nd Series) RDC 00193 1900-1956
County Electoral Rolls RDC 00114 1926-1986
County Engineer's Diaries RDC 00192 1947-1953
County Engineers files (1st series) RDC 00064 1914-1945
County Engineers files (2nd series) RDC 00048 1924-1949
County Engineers files (3rd series) RDC 00049 1912-1949
Engineers and Inspectors Reports to Council RDC 00089 1881-1921
Engineers Office Hunterville Letterpress Copybook RDC 00303 1916-1923
Erewhon Rural Water Supply Aerial Photographs and plans RDC 00224 1980-04-16
Files grouped by subject RDC 00069 1938-1991
Frank Nicol's County Council Office Diary RDC 00191 1944-1944
General Ledgers RDC 00206 1877-1912
Harold H Richardson County Council Office Diaries RDC 00190 1934-1938
Hunterville Rural Water Supply Aerial Photographs and plans RDC 00225 1974-11-06-1988
Hunterville Rural Water Supply, Erewhon Rural Water Supply, Bridges and General Photographs RDC 00281 1980-1986
Hypothecated Thirds Ledgers RDC 00311 1903-1925
Ian Cumberworth Photographs RDC 00279 1877-1979
Inwards Correspondence Book: Letters addressed to Engineer RDC 00116 1898-1899
Inwards Correspondence Book: Miscellaneous or Unimportant Letters RDC 00119 1907-1915
Inwards Correspondence Book: Provisional approval of loans RDC 00118 1902-1917
Inwards Correspondence Book: Transfers RDC 00117 1898-1899