Taihape Borough Council

RDC 3.0
Has Beginning Date
Has End Date

The Taihape Borough Council was formed in 1906. In 1989 the Borough amalgamated with the Rangitikei County Council and the Marton Borough Council to form the Rangitikei District Council.

Corporate Body Type
Government Organization
Related Entities
is antecedent of (RiC-R016): Rangitikei District Council
is successor of (RiC-R016i): Rangitikei County Council


Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
020000 Numbered Plans RDC 00216 1969-1992
Administrative files RDC 00070 1905-1990
Aerial Photographs of Taihape Borough RDC 00228 1978-10-29
Aerial Photographs of Taihape Borough RDC 00227 1970-11-07
Aerial Photographs of Taihape Borough Main Street RDC 00237 1987-04-07
Annual Accounts and Balance Sheets RDC 00109 1906-1983
Card Index to Minutes RDC 00259 1942-1988
Contracts RDC 00086 1950-1988
Council and Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00078 1981-1987
Council Meeting Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00082 1986-1989
Debenture Register RDC 00309 1907-1922
Electoral Rolls RDC 00088 1959-1986
Files of the Taihape Patriotic Committee, Zone G RDC 00090 1940-1989
Finance Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00081 1985-1989
Litter Control Officer items RDC 00101 1989-1989
Minutes of the Baths, Reserves and Domains Committee (1915-1921), Oval Domain Committee (1921-1929), Abattoir Committee (1925-1926) and the Traffic committee (1925-1929) RDC 00160 1915-1929
Minutes of the Council Meetings RDC 00021 1906-1989
Minutes of the Domains and Cemetery Committee RDC 00024 1929-1939
Minutes of the Electricity, Light and Waterworks Committee RDC 00025 1913-1939
Minutes of the Finance Committee RDC 00026 1913-1939
Minutes of the Public Library Committee RDC 00023 1923-1949
Minutes of the Taihape Patriotic Committee, Zone G RDC 00091 1943-1985
Minutes of the Works Committee RDC 00022 1906-1939
Miscellaneous Files RDC 00104 1904-1991
Municipal Band Financial Records RDC 00097 1934-1986
Municipal Band Minute Book RDC 00096 1972-1979
Parks and Reserves Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00083 1984-1987
Properties Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00084 1985-1989
Publicity and Resources Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00085 1989-1989
Rate Assessment Sheets RDC 00076 1983-1990
Rate Books RDC 00039 1906-1954
Receipts and Payments Book of the Taihape Patriotic Committee, Zone G RDC 00092 1971-1985
Taihape Fire Board Minute Book RDC 00093 1961-1976
Taihape Free Library Monthly Reports RDC 00098 1939-1972
Taihape Library Committee Minutes and Reports RDC 00100 1957-1974
Taihape Public Library Regulations RDC 00099 1923-1939
Town Planning Applications RDC 00103 1974-1989
Town Planning Hearings Book RDC 00102 1978-1983
Unnumbered Maps and Plans RDC 00253 1910-1984
Valuation Rolls RDC 00161 1906-1954
Valuation Slips RDC 00077 1982-1990
War Memorial Committee Minute Book RDC 00094 1947-1963
War Memorial Committee Papers and Correspondence RDC 00095 1950-1952
Works Committee Agendas, Reports and Papers RDC 00080 1985-1989