Files of P K Simons

HBRC 00049
Descriptive Note

This series contains reference files created by Peter Kawe Simons in his time as Chief Engineer (1970-1982) and General Manager (1982-1986) of the Hawke's Bay Catchment Board and Regional Water Board. These cover a variety of subjects and include his own hand written notes on the subjects. The files are organised by subject and have been given an imposed numbering sequence to make retrieval easier.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
Alphabetical by subject title
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 22 of 22
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Akina Park, Emergency Discharges application HBRC 00049:1:1 1979-1984
Carter Consolidated Ltd, application and objections HBRC 00049:1:2 1971-1972
Carter Oji Kokusaku Pan Pacific Ltd, application and objections HBRC 00049:1:3 1981-1981
Clifton Marine Club - Hastings HBRC 00049:1:4 1970-1970
Esk Valley Scheme - Hawke's Bay Catchment Board HBRC 00049:1:5 1970-1974
Hastings City Council Discharge - Tribunal Hearing 3 & 4 September 1973 HBRC 00049:1:6 1972-1973
Hastings City Council Prosecution re Council Rubbish Dump near Roys Hill HBRC 00049:1:7 1982-1984
Hastings City Council report on Effluent Treatment and Disposal for Hastings and Environs HBRC 00049:1:8 1972-1972
Hastings City Council Sewer HBRC 00049:1:9 1973-1974
Hastings City Council, Report on proposed designation for refuse disposal site Pakowhai HBRC 00049:1:10 1978-1978
Hawke's Bay Catchment Board Information Day pack HBRC 00049:1:11 1987-1987
Health Department Meeting re hazardous waste HBRC 00049:1:12 1983-1983
Johnny Appleseed Limited, objection for proposal for right to take natural underground water HBRC 00049:1:13 1983-1983
Louis Wood and UEB Industries Limited, application and objections HBRC 00049:1:14 1978-1981
MacKenzie, Land and Endsleigh Roads, Havelock North, application and objections HBRC 00049:1:15 1984-1984
Napier City Council and Hastings City Council Rights to discharge into Hawkes Bay HBRC 00049:1:16 1983-1983
Various [Water Board Applications] HBRC 00049:1:17 1983-1984
Waipawa River and Drainage Board application and objections HBRC 00049:1:18 1986-1986
Wairoa District Provisional Scheme, Submissions to Local Government on the constitution HBRC 00049:1:19 1976-1976
Waitaki NZ Refrigerating Ltd, application and objections HBRC 00049:1:20 1984-1987
Whakaki Lagoon - Water Rights HBRC 00049:1:21 1982-1983
Whakatu Discharge - Hawkes Bay Farmers Meat Company - Hastings City Council HBRC 00049:1:22 1985-1985