This Hawkes's Bay Regional Council file system was administered between 1989 to 2002. Files were arranged into a numeric subseries, the series relating to topic then subseries pertaining to subject. While only little evidence remains of this file classification it is believed the files were arranged under the following subseries.
1/- Finance
2/- Administration
3/- Reserves and Legal Matters
4/- Elected Members, District Councils and Transport
5/- Land and River Control
6/- Pest Control, Soil Conservation
7/- Shingle Extraction, Publicity and Education, Property, Engineering
8/- Water
9/- Other
11/- Regional Economic Development
12/- Resource Management
13/- Resource Consents
14/- Resource Monitoring
This file system was reorganised in 2001 and a new system was established. The existing files were culled and some papers were carried over to the new system. The successor file series is held at the Hawke's Bay Regional Council.