This series contains the correspondence for the Eastern Pohangina Rabbit Board from 1923-1963
The following sub series was used by this file system
C- Correspondence
E- Elections – nomination papers and results
I- Rabbit inspectors reports
L- Legal insurance policies
R- Rate payers lists
S- Statistical Returns
M- Plan of works house
F- Financial information
Correspondence records have been organised into various categories including inward / outward, meeting correspondence and then more specific items. Inward / outward correspondence can be found in chronological order. Correspondence to meetings can be found in chronological order of the meeting the correspondence pertained to. Specific records include boundary alterations, application for Rabbiter and rabbit skin sales.
Outward correspondence from 1945-1963 contains an index by name with all letters having a number identifier. Letters are in number order.
Elections contains records of nominations for candidates for the Eastern Pohangina Rabbit Boards Office of Trustee for the years of 1929,1932,1935 including a 1935 letter to the Manawatu Standard advertising the duly nominated trustees for that year.
Inspector’s reports are in reverse chronological from 1924-1962 detailing activities including dates the property was worked on, weather conditions, signs of rabbit infestation and rabbit numbers killed.
Legal Documents include insurance policies dated 1944-1958 and an employment agreement with the Inspector dated 1962.
Rate payers’ lists are held for 1941, 1956, 1959 and 1962. Details include rate payers listed alphabetically by surname, Acreage rateable, capital value and number of votes.
Statistical Returns that were required to be completed for the New Zealand Census and Statistics office. Records cover from 1925-1943 except for 1941 appears to be missing.
Plan of an Eastern Pohangina Rabbit Boards workers dwelling dated 1952
Summaries of expenditure cover the financial years of 1948/49-1956/57, Expenses have been itemised into categories such as salaries, office expenses and advertising. Balance sheets (later titled Statement of Accounts) for the years ended 1924-1963 include figures categorised into receipts, expenditure, statement of balances, statement of assets and liabilities and statement of rates.