Eketahuna Pest Destruction Board Correspondence Files

HRC 00195
Descriptive Note

This series concerns the Correspondence for the Eketahuna Rabbit Board for 1936-1972. The Correspondence files were used to keep a record of communication between other government agencies, rabbit boards, electoral and rate payers lists and boundary extensions etc. Records have been organised into subjects and are arranged in a imposed numbering sequence. Records include electoral rolls, rate payers lists, rates correspondence, statistical returns and insurance policies.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Eketahuna Pest Destruction Board
By file number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Agendas and Notices of Meeting HRC 00195:1:13 1947-1972
Balance Sheets HRC 00195:2:14 1947-1962
Boundary Extensions HRC 00195:1:9 1955-1960
Correspondence ex Pahiatua Rabbit Board to Pahiatua County Council and Ratepayers Roll HRC 00195:2:21A 1958-1962
Differential Rating HRC 00195:1:11 1946-1950
Electoral Roll HRC 00195:1:2 1946-1946
Electoral Roll HRC 00195:1:3 1947-1947
Electoral Roll HRC 00195:1:4 1950-1950
Electoral Roll HRC 00195:1:5 1953-1956
Electoral Roll HRC 00195:1:6 1959-1959
Formation - Particulars from Pahiatua Rabbit Board HRC 00195:2:21 1936-1956
General Correspondence HRC 00195:2:18 1950-1959
House HRC 00195:2:15 1949-1951
Insurance Policies HRC 00195:2:16 1950-1958
Lists re Petition to Form District HRC 00195:1:1 1946-1946
Master Rolls HRC 00195:1:8 1961-1971
North Island Rabbit Boards' Association HRC 00195:2:19 1954-1960
Rabbit Destruction Council HRC 00195:2:22 1954-1960
Ratepayers List HRC 00195:1:7 1947-1959
Rates - Correspondence HRC 00195:1:12 1951-1960
Valuation Department HRC 00195:1:10 1946-1958
Wairarapa Rabbit Boards' Association HRC 00195:2:20 1951-1959
Working Inspectors and Rabbiters HRC 00195:2:17 1951-1958