Manawatu Catchment Board Engineers Files

HRC 00023
Descriptive Note

This series contains the correspondence file system used by the Engineering section of the Manawatu Catchment Board (MCB). It was in use from the beginning of the Board in 1945 through to 1964 when it was replaced by a new file system.

As originally set up in 1945, the files of the Manawatu Catchment Board were split between three departments: Administration, Engineering and Soil Conservation. Around 1964 these three systems were integrated to form one file series for the whole Board. Most of the existing files were renumbered into the new system, which was partly based on the old Engineering classification. Inactive files which had been closed prior to this were generally not renumbered. The files in this series are the remnants of the Engineering files.

The files contain both inwards and outwards correspondence and may also contain maps, plans, photographs and ephemera. They provide evidence of the operational, legislative and administrative actions of the Engineering section of the Manawatu Catchment Board.

The files cover such topics as the construction of river control and flood protection works, the hiring of staff, industrial awards, purchase of equipment and other general engineering topics. There are also a number of files with correspondence between the Board and the internal Drainage Boards that operated within the MCB boundaries.

The files are based on the 'Series System' (or multiple number subject system) where consecutive numbers are allotted to principal subjects. The principal subjects are subdivided by the addition of bar numbers.

The following sub series were used by this file system:

1/-        Lower Manawatu River Area

2/-        Mid Manawatu River Area

3/-        Upper Manawatu River Area

4/-        Oroua River Area

5/-        Pohangina River Area

6/-        Tiraumea River Area

7/-        Mangatainoka River Area

8/-        Mangahao River Area

9/-        Horowhenua North (Ohau, Waikawa, Manakau)

10/-     Horowhenua South

11/-     Workmen

12/-     Buildings

15/-     Staff

16/-     Estimates

17/-     Plant etc

18/-     Stock, Office Equipment, Plans etc

19/-     Drainage Boards and Districts

20/-     Hydrological and Technical Information

21/-     Returns

22/-     Surveys

23/-     Miscellaneous

In the early 1990s the files were all removed from their covers and were put into Codafile folders. The front cover of the original files was retained and also placed on file.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
Numerically by file number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 112
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Accidents - Compensation - Workers Compensation HRC 00023:10:11/4E 1948-1961
Administration - Buildings Committee HRC 00023:16:23/8E 1947-1959
Administration - Catchment Boards Association and Assn. Conference Notes HRC 00023:16:23/18E Pt 1 1948-1956
Administration - Catchment Boards Association and Assn. Conference Notes HRC 00023:16:23/18E Pt 2 1957-1961
Administration - Inward Correspondence Register HRC 00023:16:23/20E 1956-1962
Administration - Metal Permits HRC 00023:17:23/33E 1949-1959
Administration - Programme of Work HRC 00023:17:23/32E 1950-1962
Administration - Sheep Industry Commission HRC 00023:17:23/24E 1948-1949
Armstrongs Road Drainage Scheme HRC 00023:15:19/47E 1953-1957
Buckley Drainage Board - Pumping Scheme HRC 00023:14:19/6/1E 1948-1962
Engineering - Drainage Boards and Districts - Manawatu Oroua River Board HRC 00023:14:19/7E Pt 1 1948-1953
Engineering - Drainage Boards and Districts - Manawatu Oroua River Board HRC 00023:14:19/7E Pt 2 1953-1956
Engineering - Equipment - General (Also Buildings) HRC 00023:12:18/3E 1948-1956
Engineering - Lower Manawatu Flood Levels HRC 00023:2:1/14E 1949-1954
Engineering - Sluice Gate - Main Manawatu Scheme HRC 00023:2:1/16E Pt 1 1951-1957
Engineering - Sluice Gate - Main Manawatu Scheme HRC 00023:2:1/16E Pt 2 1957-1959
Engineering - Sluice Gate - Main Manawatu Scheme HRC 00023:2:1/16E Pt 3 1959-1964
Engineering Administration - General Instructions HRC 00023:11:15/22E 1947-1964
Engineering Stock - Whitanui Office HRC 00023:10:12/5 1948-1948
Estimates - Finance for General Works HRC 00023:11:16/4E 1948-1957
Estimates - Projected Works HRC 00023:11:16/2E 1948-1949
Fitzroy Bend - Land Transfer HRC 00023:3:1/28/1E 1957-1963
Flood Damage Estimates - Restoration Works HRC 00023:11:16/9E 1953-1957
Hardings Road Drainage Scheme (?Woodville) HRC 00023:15:19/53E 1959-1959
HE Dunn and Others Drainage Scheme (Eketahuna) HRC 00023:15:19/35E 1955-1961
Horowhenua North - Crushing Plant - Ohau River HRC 00023:10:9/8E 1947-1948
Horowhenua North - Soil Conservation HRC 00023:10:9/3E 1952-1953
Hydrology - Flood Warnings - General HRC 00023:16:20/18E 1948-1959
Hydrology - Hopelands River Gauge HRC 00023:15:20/8/AE 1947-1950
Hydrology - Mangatainoka HRC 00023:15:20/11E Pt 1 1948-1950
Hydrology - Technical Committee - Hydrological Data HRC 00023:15:20/14E 1951-1953
Hydrology - Water Level Recorders - Construction of Mangahao,Mangatainoka,Tiraumea,Otaki,Weber Road, Oroua HRC 00023:15:20/11E Pt 2 1949-1960
Illegal Stopbank - GC Bennett HRC 00023:8:4/2E 1961-1963
J Evans and Others Drainage (Eketahuna) HRC 00023:15:19/34E 1953-1956
Kiwitea Stream - Townshends Erosion HRC 00023:8:4/7E 1948-1949
Land Acquisition Committee HRC 00023:16:23/11E 1958-1958
LMS - Mangaone Stream - Kawau Stream - Awapuni Racecourse Access HRC 00023:4:1/29E 1947-1960
LMS - Mouth To Koputaroa Stream - 0m - 15m HRC 00023:3:1/23E 1958-1962
LMS - Moutoa Contract HRC 00023:3:1/19E 1958-1962
LMS - Moutoa Contract Part 'A' - Contract 53 HRC 00023:4:1/32E 1959-1963
LMS - Whirokino - Tree Planting HRC 00023:1:1/11E 1948-1949
Lower Manawatu - Tokomaru Scheme HRC 00023:1:1/12E 1948-1954
Lower Manawatu - Bryants Erosion HRC 00023:1:1/10E 1948-1956
Lower Manawatu - Mitchell & Kilsbys Drainage HRC 00023:1:1/13E 1948-1949
Lower Manawatu - Opaekete Floodgate Stone Protection Work HRC 00023:2:1/15E 1949-1952
Lower Manawatu - Soil Conservation HRC 00023:1:1/3E 1951-1954
Lower Manawatu - Taupunga #2 Cut HRC 00023:1:1/8E 1947-1952
Lower Manawatu Major Scheme - Engineering - Miscellaneous HRC 00023:1:1/6E 1953-1957
Lower Manawatu River - Machinery HRC 00023:2:1/17E 1952-1958
Lower Manawatu Stopbanks - Soil Tests HRC 00023:3:1/22E 1951-1959