Creating Agency
created by (RiC-R027): Horizons Regional Council
Has beginning date
Has end date
According to reference number. If no number exists, by chronological order
Descriptive Note
This is an unprocessed accession, some inaccuracies may exist and the quality of the listings are variable.
Agency | Box # | Accession Item # | Title | Notes | Start Date | End Date | Format |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 1 | Flood Risk Sketch Map, Wanganui River, Taumarunui | Map/plan | |||
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 2 | Plan, Location of AMS PDA Benchmarks | 16 sheets laminated plans of Topo 50 maps showing the location of AMS (Asset Management System) PDA benchmarks along the Oroua River, Manawatu River, Tokomaru River, Moutoa Floodway and Mangatainoka River. | c. 1990 | c. 2000 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 3 | Map, All River and Drainage Scheme Boundaries, Manawatu-Whanganui Region | Includes the following river and drainage schemes: Akitio; Ashhurst; Eastern Manawatu; Forest Road;; Foxton East; Haunui; Himatangi; Hokio; Ihuraua; Kahuterawa; Koputaroa; Lower Kiwitea; Lower Manawatu; Lower Whanganui; Makerua; Makirikiri; Manawatu; Mangatainoka; Matarawa; Moutoa; Ohau Manakau; Pakihi Valley; Pohangina Oroua; Porewa Valley; Rangitikei; South East Ruahine; Taringamotu; Tawataia Mangaone; Te Kawau; Turakina; Tutaenui; Upper Manawatu; Upper Whanganui; Whangaehu Mangawhero; Whirokino | 2012 | 2012 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 4 | Infrastructural Asset Maps for the Lower Manawatu Scheme | 2013 | 2013 | Map/plan | |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 8 | Plans, Drain Maintenance, Manawatu Area | 28 transparencies. Includes index to drains. | 1979 | 1979 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 9 | Survey Data, Oroua River Cross Sections | 1981 | 1981 | Document | |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 10 | Photographs, Machinery in field | Four colour photographs of heavy machinery used by Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | c. 1998 | c. 1998 | Photograph |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 11 | Photographs, Flooding | Two colour photographs showing flooding over farmland | c. 1980 | c. 1980 | Photograph |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 12 | Documents, Flood Damage along Manawatu, Oroua and Mangaone | Two documents giving an overview of flood damage along the Manawatu and Oroua rivers from November 199, April 2000 andOctober 2000. Includes flood levels of the Mangaone Stream from Rangitikei Line to Milson Line on 19 October 1980. | 1980 | 2000 | Document |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 13 | Photographs, Makino Stream Flood (29 June 1976) | Two black and white photographs showing the Makino Stream in flood on 29 June 1976. First photograph shows looking across stream to T A Mayo's house. Second photograph shows a teenager in school uniform standing on the Duke Street Bridge in full flood. | 1976 | 1976 | Photograph |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 14 | Photographs, Makino Stream, Feilding | Series of 16 colour photographs showing Mangaone Stream at multiple locations around Feilding. These include South Street upstream, Beattie Street upstream, Warwick Street upstream, Derby Street upstream and Derby Street downstream. | c. 1980 | c. 1980 | photograph |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 15 | Documents, Makino Stream Flooding | Documents related to flooding of the Makino Stream. Includes correspondence, measurements, schedule of known services crossing or connecting to the stream and an aerial photograph | 1967 | 1988 | Document |
Manawatu District Council | 1 | 16 | Aerial Photographs, Makino Stream | Paper copies of aerial photographs of the Makino Stream running through Feilding with unknown measurements overlaid. | 2004 | 2004 | Document |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 17 | Data Print-Outs, miscellaneous stream & river cross sections | Includes cross section numbers and survey dates. Stream and river names not provided. | 1989 | 1990 | Document |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | 1 | 18 | Data Print-Outs,Whakarongo Stopbank | Includes cross section numbers and survey dates. | 1992 | 1993 | Document |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 19 | Plan, Koputaroa Drainage District | Aerial photograph overlaid with numbered drains. Includes road and stream names. | 1978 | 1978 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 20 | Plan, Lands and Survey - Moutoa Farm Block Canals, General Layout | Ministry of Works and Development, aerial photograph base map. | c. 1975 | c. 1975 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 21 | Aerial Photograph, Makino Stream | Kawakawa Road to Rata Street. Overlay includes owners names along stream boundary. | c. 1980 | c. 1980 | Document |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 22 | Plan, Mangaone Drainage District, Proposed Scheme Improvements and Classification | Plan shows drain names west of Te Horo to Tasman Sea. | 1955 | 1955 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 23 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme, Drainage Alterations | Reference to original board drains,new board drains extra under 1965 classification and Lands and Survey Department Drains. | 1956 | 1984 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 24 | Plan, Mangaone Stream Cross Sections | Site plan. Sheet 1 of 3 | 1965 | 1965 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 25 | Plan, Mangaone Stream Cross Sections | Cross Sections. Sheet 2 of 3 | 1965 | 1965 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 26 | Plan, Mangaone Stream Cross Sections | Cross Sections. Sheet 2 of 3 | 1965 | 1965 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 27 | Plan, Oroua Floodway - Kopane | Plan shows limits of flooding in cusecs around the Lockwood Road, Oroua Road and Longburn-Rongotea Road intersection. | c.1975 | c. 1975 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 28 | Plan, Mangaone Stream Cross Sections | Shows cross sections around Pioneer Highway Bridge, | c.1975 | c. 1975 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 29 | Plan, Makino Stream Bench Mark and Bridge Locations | 1982 | 1982 | Map/plan | |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 30 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Dump Road, Naxwells Line, Perth Place and Buick Crescent. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 1 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 31 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Buick Crescent. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 2 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 32 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Buick Crescent, Dittmer Drive, Walkway Access and Motor Camp. Horizontal scale is 1:2000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 3 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 33 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Miniature Railway Esplanade, Fitzherbert Bridge and Centennial Drive. Horizontal scale is 1:2000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 4 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 34 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Centennial Drive, Teachers College, Manawatu Golf Club and Albert Street. Horizontal scale is 1:2000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 5 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 35 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Child Metal, Heatley Avenue, Hind Place. Reserve, Waterloo Crescent, Waterloo Park and Catchment Board. Horizontal scale is 1:2000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 6 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 36 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Catchment Board, Roxburgh Crescent and Ruahine Street. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 7 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 37 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Ruahine Street, Salisbury Street, Windsor Street, Fitzroy Street and Palmerston North Golf Club. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 8 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 38 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Palmerston North Golf Course, Parkland Crescent, Belmont Place, Brightwater Terrace, Opawa Place and Ruamahanga Crescent. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 9 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board | Folder 1 | 39 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank | Series of cross sections showing the Palmerston North City Stop Bank along the Manawatu River from east to west city boundaries. Includes Ruamahanga Crescent. Horizontal scale is 1:1000; vertical scale is 1:50. Sheet 10 of 10 |
c. 1985 | c. 1985 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 40 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 1523 to 1757 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 41 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 1790 to 184 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 42 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 2027 to 2194 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 43 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections of pegs A, 2027, 2060 and 2094. | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 44 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections of pegs 2127, 2160, 2194 and 2227 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 45 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 2227 to 2456 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 46 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 2485 to 2700 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 47 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 2733 to 3233. Reference states, aselden's Setback 2800 to 3130. | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 48 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 3267 to 3500 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 49 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections3533 to 3767 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 50 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 3800 to 4035 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 51 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 4072 to 4314 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 52 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 4355 to 4621 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Central Districts Catchment Board | Folder 1 | 53 | Plan, Manawatu Left Stop Bank by Poplar Road, BM425 to BM447 | Cross sections 6358 to 6596 | 1989 | 1989 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 54 | Plan, Oroua River Rangiotu, As Built Fences | 2000 | 2000 | Map/plan | |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 55 | Plan, Stopbank Reconstruction, Left Bank Opiki Station (37 Mile) | Sheet 1 of 3 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 56 | Plan, Stopbank Reconstruction, Left Bank Opiki Station (37 Mile) | Sheet 2 of 3 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 57 | Plan, Stopbank Reconstruction, Left Bank Opiki Station (37 Mile) | Sheet 3 of 3 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 58 | Plan, Okuku and Poplar Road Stopbanks (As Builts) | Contract 2002/02. Sheet 1 of 5 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 59 | Plan, Okuku and Poplar Road Stopbanks (As Builts) | Contract 2002/02. Sheet 2 of 5 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 60 | Plan, Okuku and Poplar Road Stopbanks (As Builts) | Contract 2002/02. Sheet 3 of 5 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 61 | Plan, Okuku and Poplar Road Stopbanks (As Builts) | Contract 2002/02. Sheet 4 of 5 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 62 | Plan, Okuku and Poplar Road Stopbanks (As Builts) | Contract 2002/02. Sheet 5 of 5 | 2002 | 2002 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 63 | Plan, Te Matai Road, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 1 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 64 | Plan, Te Matai Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Sections. Sheet 2 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 65 | Plan, Te Matai Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Sections. Sheet 3 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 66 | Plan, Te Matai Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Sections. Sheet 4 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 67 | Plan, Te Matai Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Sections. Sheet 5 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 68 | Plan, Fitzherbert Bridge, Centennial Drive, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 1 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 69 | Plan, Fitzherbert Bridge, Centennial Drive, Right Bank Survey | Crosse Sections. Sheet 2 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 70 | Plan, Fitzherbert Bridge, Centennial Drive, Right Bank Survey | Crosse Sections. Sheet 3 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 71 | Plan, Fitzherbert Bridge, Centennial Drive, Right Bank Survey | Crosse Sections. Sheet 4 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 72 | Plan, Fitzherbert Bridge, Centennial Drive, Right Bank Survey | Crosse Sections. Sheet 5 of 5 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 73 | Plan, Himatangi Block Road, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 1 of 3 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 74 | Plan, Himatangi Block Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Section. Sheet 3 of 3 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 75 | Plan, Himatangi Block Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Section. Sheet 4 of 9 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 76 | Plan, Himatangi Block Road, Right Bank Survey | Cross Section. Unknown sheet number | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 77 | Plan, Buick Crescent, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 1 of 3 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 78 | Plan, Buick Crescent, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 2 of 3 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 79 | Plan, Buick Crescent, Right Bank Survey | Site Plan. Sheet 3 of 3 | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 80 | Plan, Manawatu River Stopbank Upgrade of Leftbank Upstream of XS 53 Mile Staces Road, Palmerston North | Cross Sections. Sheet 1 of 4 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 81 | Plan, Manawatu River Stopbank Upgrade of Leftbank Upstream of XS 53 Mile Staces Road, Palmerston North | Cross Sections. Sheet 2 of 4 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 82 | Plan, Manawatu River Stopbank Upgrade of Leftbank Upstream of XS 53 Mile Staces Road, Palmerston North | Cross Sections. Sheet 3 of 4 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 83 | Plan, Manawatu River Stopbank Upgrade of Leftbank Upstream of XS 53 Mile Staces Road, Palmerston North | Cross Sections. Sheet 4 of 4 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 84 | Plan, Awapuni Landfill, Access Road, Palmerston North | As built long cross sections. Sheet 1 of 5 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 85 | Plan, Awapuni Landfill, Access Road, Palmerston North | As built long cross sections. Sheet 2 of 5 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 86 | Plan, Awapuni Landfill, Access Road, Palmerston North | As built long cross sections. Sheet 3 of 5 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 87 | Plan, Awapuni Landfill, Access Road, Palmerston North | As built long cross sections. Sheet 4 of 5 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 88 | Plan, Awapuni Landfill, Access Road, Palmerston North | As built long cross sections. Sheet 5 of 5 | 2011 | 2011 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 89 | Plan, Mangaone Stream, Design Floodlevel Profile | Sheet 1 of 2 | 1982 | 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 90 | Plan, Mangaone Stream, Design Floodlevel Profile | Sheet 2 of 2 | 1982 | 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 91 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme - Special Project, Teachers College Rock Protection | Site Plan. Sheet 1 of 4. | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 92 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme - Special Project, Teachers College Rock Protection | Lagoon outlet and details for ends of lining. Sheet 2 of 4 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 93 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme - Special Project, Teachers College Rock Protection | Cross sections 600 to 480. Sheet 3 of 4 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 94 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme - Special Project, Teachers College Rock Protection | Cross sections 440 to 320. Sheet 4 of 4 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 95 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, Tasman Sea - Foxton Loop - Whirokino Bridge Traverse | Sheet 1 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 96 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, Whirokino Bridge ro 13 Mile Traverse | Sheet 2 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 97 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, Whirokino Bridge to Moutoa Gates Traverse | Sheet 3 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 98 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, 24 Mile to 32 Mile Traverse | Sheet 4 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 99 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, 32 Mile to 45 Mile Traverse | Sheet 5 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 100 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, 45 Mile to 53 Mile Traverse | Sheet 6 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 101 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, 53 Mile to 63 Mile Traverse | Sheet 7 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 102 | Plan, Manawatu River Bench Marks, Moutoa Floodway Traverse | Sheet 8 of 8 | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 103 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank Designations | Manawatu River from Fitzherbert Avenue to Napier Road Drain. Sheet 1 of 3 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 104 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank Designations | Mangaone Stream from Trotting Club to Flygers Line. Sheet 2 of 3 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 105 | Plan, Palmerston North City Stopbank Designations | Manawatu River from Esplanade to Landfill, Mangaone Stream from Manawatu River to Trotting Club. Sheet 3 of 3 | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 106 | Plan, Manawatu River, Stopbank Setback - End of Raukawa Road | 60 to 270m. Sheet 2 of 4 | 1999 | 1999 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 107 | Plan, Manawatu River, Stopbank Setback - End of Raukawa Road | 180 to 270m. Sheet 3 of 4 | 1999 | 1999 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 108 | Plan, Manawatu River, Stopbank Setback - End of Raukawa Road | 300 to 360m. Sheet 4 of 4 | 1999 | 1999 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 109 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme Stopbank Relocation and Reconstruction | South end of Riverbank Road to Burkes Drain Gates. Sheet 1 of 4 | 1999 | 2001 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 110 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme Stopbank Relocation and Reconstruction | South end of Riverbank Road to Burkes Drain Gates. Sheet 2 of 4 | 1999 | 2001 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 111 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme Stopbank Relocation and Reconstruction | South end of Riverbank Road to Burkes Drain Gates. Sheet 3 of 4 | 1999 | 2001 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 112 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme Stopbank Relocation and Reconstruction | South end of Riverbank Road to Burkes Drain Gates. Sheet 4 of 4 | 1999 | 2001 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 113 | Plan, lower Manawatu Scheme, Maawatu River - Left Stopbank Setback Near BM376, Seymour Property | Site plan. Sheet 1 of 5 | 2003 | 2003 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 114 | Plan, lower Manawatu Scheme, Maawatu River - Left Stopbank Setback Near BM376, Seymour Property | Site plan. Sheet 2 of 5 | 2003 | 2003 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 115 | Plan, lower Manawatu Scheme, Maawatu River - Left Stopbank Setback Near BM376, Seymour Property | Site plan. Sheet 3 of 5 | 2003 | 2003 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 116 | Plan, lower Manawatu Scheme, Maawatu River - Left Stopbank Setback Near BM376, Seymour Property | Site plan. Sheet 4 of 5 | 2003 | 2003 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 117 | Plan, lower Manawatu Scheme, Maawatu River - Left Stopbank Setback Near BM376, Seymour Property | Site plan. Sheet 5 of 5 | 2003 | 2003 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 118 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme | Includes classification, part of Scheme Code 3331. | 1983 | 1983 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 119 | Map, Tour Route, Lower Manawatu Flooding Breach Sites | 2004 | 2004 | Map/plan | |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 120 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme, Stage II Location Plan | Includes area southwest of Palmerston North, incorporating the Manawatu, Oroua, Tokomaru, Mangaone, Moutoa riverways and Foxton Loop | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 121 | Plan, Lower Manawatu Scheme Review - Stage II. | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan | |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 122 | Plan, Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Open Sites | Includes MWRC and NIWAR sites | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 123 | Plan, Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council Closed Sites | Includes MWRC and NIWAR sites. Includes inset mpas for Ashhurst and Waiouru. | 1998 | 1998 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 124 | Plan, Lower Manawatu House Protection Sites (UAC) | Aerial photograph overlaid with house protection sites and house protection area. Sheet 1 of 3 | 2017 | 2017 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 125 | Plan, Lower Manawatu House Protection Sites (UAC) | Aerial photograph overlaid with house protection sites and house protection area. Sheet 1 of 3 | 2017 | 2017 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 126 | Plan, Lower Manawatu House Protection Sites (UAC) | Aerial photograph overlaid with house protection sites and house protection area. Sheet 1 of 3 | 2017 | 2017 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 127 | Plan, Makino Stream at Sandstrom Crescent | Covers houses, 8 to 17 Sanstrom Grove and 70A Sherwill Street | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 128 | Plan, Makino Stream Longitudinal Sections | Covers BM 6000 to BM 8000 | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 129 | Plan, Makino Stream Longitudinal Sections | Covers BM 8000 to 10000 | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 130 | Plan, Makino Stream Longitudinal Sections | Covers BM 10000 to 12000 | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 131 | Plan, Cross Sections Oroua River Longitudinal Sections and Proposed Lake at Mangamatu Domain | Covers sections 22550 to 22970 on obverse. Cross sections 1 to 12 of proposed Lake Mangamatu Domain on reverse. | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 132 | Plan, Oroua River Longitudinal Sections | Covers sections 23000 to 23210 | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 133 | Plan, Oroua River Longitudinal Sections | Covers sections 23240 to 23810 | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 134 | Plan, Oroua River Longitudinal Sections | Covers sections 23840 to 24306 (Kopane Bridge) | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 135 | Plan, Oroua River Longitudinal Sections | Covers sections 23460 to 23970 on obverse 24000 to 24311 on reverse | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 136 | Plan, Oroua River Levels at Smiths (Gun Club) | Cross section of Oroua River showing river levels from 1981 to 1990. | 1981 | 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 137 | Plan, Cross Sections of unknown body of water | Includes historical water levels | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 138 | Plan, Cross Sections of Te Horo Road | Includes inset of State Highway 1 bridge. | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 139 | Plan, Oroua River | Plan covers Feilding industrial area around Gerries Ready-Mix factory. Includes cross sections | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council | Folder 1 | 140 | Plan, Oroua River | Site plan shows measurement areas 22040 to 24311. Labelled Sheet 8 of unknown plan number. | c. 1990 | c. 1990 | Map/plan |
Has location
Archives Central