Horizons Regional Council Internal Reports

HRC 00462
Descriptive Note

Internal Reports created by Manawatu Wanganui/Horizons Regional Council. Internal reports are primarily composed of environmental control reports, whole farm plans, Whanganui Catchment Strategy plans, Sustainable Land Use Initiative (SLUI) plans, and regional monitoring strategies.

Source Accession: A/2020/8 and A/2020/14.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Horizons Regional Council
Reports created according to year, with the report number being alphanumeric therafter.
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1538
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Summary of Wastewater/Water Quality Data Held by MWRC - Turakina and Whangaehu Catchments HRC 00462:1:90/INT/6 1990-1990
Summary of Wastewater/Water Quality Data Held by MWRC - Coastal and Misc Streams HRC 00462:1:90/INT/8 1990-1990
Summary of Wastewater/Water Quality Data Held by MWRC - Rangitikei Catchment HRC 00462:1:90/INT/5 1990-1990
Summary of Wastewater/Water Quality Data Held by MWRC - Saline Coastal Waters HRC 00462:1:90/INT/9 1990-1990
Summary of Wastewater/Water Quality Data Held by MWRC - Wanganui Catchment HRC 00462:1:90/INT/7 1990-1990
2004 Flood Report: Hydrology and Flooded Areas HRC 00462:29:2005/INT/448 2004-2004
A Detailed Study of Leaching Under Strawberries - A Closer Look at the Effects of Polythene HRC 00462:21:2001/INT/308 2001-2001
A Method for Monitoring State of Sand Country Environment HRC 00462:21:2001/INT/319 1998-2001
A Register of Biological Control Agents for Weeds HRC 00462:36:2002/INT/570 2002-2002
A Review of Propagation and Establishment Techniques for Spinifex Sericeus HRC 00462:12:96/INT/158 1996-1996
A Review of the Council’s Funding Policy for River and Drainage Schemes HRC 00462:29:2000/INT/452 2000-2000
A Review of the MWRC Soil Conservation Grant System – Recommendation for the Future HRC 00462:15:99/INT/202 1999-1999
ABC Properties for the Northern Rangitikei and Part Ruapehu Districts – Plant Pest Classification HRC 00462:7:97/INT/95 1997-1998 (year approximate)
Accident Analysis: Discussion and Findings - Animal Pest Northern Unit HRC 00462:24:2002/INT/366 2002-2002
Active Fault Mapping and Fault Avoidance Zones for Horowhenua District and Palmerston North City Report, 2018-2019 HRC 00462:80:2019/INT/1976 2019-2019
Air Emission Inventory for the Manawatu-Wanganui Region, December 1998 HRC 00462:14:98/INT/187 1998-1998
Ambient Air PM/10 Monitoring, Winter 2001 HRC 00462:22:2001/INT/331 2001-2001
An Assessment of Soil Conservation Activities in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region HRC 00462:30:1991/INT/467 1991-1991
An Assessment of the Economic Benefits from further Drainage Developments of the Moutoa Drainage Scheme 1997 HRC 00462:16:2000/INT/205 1997-1997
An Assessment of the Impact of Rabbit Oryctolagus Cuniculus (Linnaeus, 1758) Browsing on Seedling Survival in Forest Remnants in the Rangitikei–Manawatu Region, New Zealand HRC 00462:21:2001/INT/307 2001-2001
An Economic Evaluation of Installing Pumping at Burke’s Floodgates to Improve Drainage and Flood Protection to the Taonui Basin HRC 00462:25:2003/INT/387 2003-2003
An Evaluation of Flood Protection Proposals HRC 00462:14:99/INT/180 1999-1999
An Instream Flow Assessment of the Oroua River, September 1999 HRC 00462:14:99/INT/186 1999-1999
An Investigation of the Dieldrin Recall within the Manawatu-Wanganui Region HRC 00462:4:93/INT/55 1993-1993
Animal Health Board Technical Review, 1998 Overview – Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council Northern Area HRC 00462:27:1998/INT/418 1998-1998
Animal Pest Management Working Party Report HRC 00462:8:98/INT/113 1998-1998 (year approximate)
Animal Pest Unit Business Plan, 2001-2002 HRC 00462:22:2002/INT/333 2002-2002
Animal Pest Unit Business Plan, 2002-2003 HRC 00462:25:2002/INT/382 200-200
Annual Health and Safety Report, 2000 HRC 00462:19:2001/INT/288 2001-2001
Annual Report – Land Transport Department, 1999-2000 HRC 00462:21:2001/INT/316 2001-2001
Annual Report – Land Transport Department, 2000-2001 HRC 00462:21:2001/INT/318 2001-2001
Aorangi Awarua - A Resource Conflict HRC 00462:2:90/INT/13 1990-1990
Aquatic Plant Pest Status and Management Options HRC 00462:29:2004/INT/446 2004-2004
Aquatic Vegetation in Lake Dudding, Wiritoa, Horowhenua and Pukepuke Lagoon HRC 00462:15:2002/INT/191 2002-2002
Aquatic Vegetation Survey of Nine Water Bodies in the Manawatu HRC 00462:25:2002/INT/379 2002-2002
Aquatic Weeds Survey in the Southern Rangitikei District HRC 00462:20:2001/INT/294 2001-2001
Are Regional Councils Maintaining and Enhancing Freshwater Quality HRC 00462:59:2012/INT/1219 2011-2012
Assessment of Effects of the Wahianoa Aqueduct Diversion on the pH of the Whangaehu River HRC 00462:25:1995/INT/381 1995-1995
Assessment of Environmental Effects for Possum Control in Northern Operational Areas, Waikato Conservancy HRC 00462:22:2001/INT/325 2001-2001
Assessment of Environmental Effects for Possum Control in the Tangiwai Waiouru Operational Area Wanganui Conservancy HRC 00462:23:2002/INT/349 2002-2002
Assessment of Environmental Effects of Ground Based Possum Control for the Northern Maintenance Programme Tongariro-Taupo Conservancy, September 2003 HRC 00462:26:2003/INT/409 2003-2003
Assessment of Physically Sustainable Land Uses in the Manawatu-Wanganui Region HRC 00462:7:97/INT/94 1997-1997 (year approximate)
Background Report on the Proposed General Regional Plan - Part One HRC 00462:9:98/INT/128 1998-1998
Banana Passionfruit in New Zealand: Surveys of their Weed Status and Invertebrate Fauna HRC 00462:23:2002/INT/345 2000-2000
Baseline Water Quality Aspects of Some Benthic Invertebrate Fauna in small miscellaneous coastal Catchments HRC 00462:1:90/INT/11 1990-1990
Baseline Water Quality Aspects of Some Benthic Invertebrate Fauna in the Rangitikei Catchment HRC 00462:1:90/INT/10 1990-1990
Baseline Water Quality Aspects of Some Benthic Invertebrate Fauna in the Whangaehu and Turakina Catchments HRC 00462:1:90/INT/12 1990-1990
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities of Selected Rivers in the Oroua River Catchment: A Baseline Biomonitoring survey of Benthic Community Structure HRC 00462:26:1999/INT/405 1999-1999
Best Practice Guidelines for Stopbank Assessments April 2013 HRC 00462:62:2013/INT/1310 2013-2013
Bibliography of Externally available Science Team Reports HRC 00462:43:2009/INT/719 2009-2009