Hydrological Gauging Cards

HRC 00463
Descriptive Note

Gaugings cards are measurements of stream/river flow. The majority of these flow measurements have been undertaken using mechanical current meters. Increasingly flow measurements are undertaken using acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP’s). A small proportion of these measurements have been undertaken using other mechanisms such as visual estimates, slope/area, salt dilution, contracted opening, weir and culvert formulas, and a number of less common methods of flow determination.

Gaugings are primarily used to derive rating curves, these describe the relationship between river level and flow. This relationship is the means by which a continuous flow series is derived for a stream or river.

Gauging measurements have been taken by a number of Local and Central Government agencies over the years, they include:

  • Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Manawatu-Wanganui Regional Council with gaugings beyond 9999. Agency Code 41.
  • Manawatu Catchment Board and Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Manawatu Catchment Board and Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council. Agency Code 40.
  • Manawatu Catchment Board
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Manawatu Catchment Board (Historic Gaugings). Agency Code 50.
  • Rangitikei-Wanganui Catchment Board
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Rangitikei-Wanganui Catchment Board. Agency code 30.
  • Ministry of Works and Development
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development for the Wellington region. Primarily water resource gaugings. Agency Code 15. These were managed by the Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board
  • Ministry of Works and Development
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development's Palmerston North office. This office had the North Island Hydraulic Survey Party folded within its operation in January 1968. Agency code 80.
  • Ministry of Works and Development, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research - Wellington Division. Agency code 10. These were managed by the Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board.
  • Ministry of Works and Development and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development and National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research -for the Turangi Region. Agency Code 60.
  • Ministry of Works and Development Hydro Investigations
    Hydrometric recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development Hydro Investigations Aramaho Office for the Whanganui region. Agency Code 25.
  • Ministry of Works and Development and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research from the Havelock North office. Agency code 90.
  • Ministry of Works and Development and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA)
    Hydrometric recordings taken by the Ministry of Works and Development and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in the Whanganui Region. Agency Codes 20 and 21.
  • North Island Hydraulic Survey Party
    Hydrometric recordings taken by the North Island Hydraulic Survey Party. This party ceased to operate on 1 January 1968 and operations transferred to Ministry of Works and Development Palmerston North office (Agency Code 80), but gauging card number sequence is continuous. Agency Code 70.
  • Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners
    Hydrometric Recordings taken by Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners.  Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners was a British firm of consulting civil engineers, based at Queen Anne's Lodge, Queen Anne's Gate. The firm had been founded in 1922 by noted Scottish civil engineer, Brigadier-General Sir Alexander Gibb. The firm undertook a number of important hydro-electric dam projects including the design and supervision of Tongariro Hydroelectric Scheme. Agency Code is 71.
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Arranged by site (where known) and then gauging card order.
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