HRC 00474
Descriptive Note
Conductivity original data is the data as collected prior to any modification undertaken prior to updating to HRC’s hydrometric archive.
Conductivity data processing shows the modifications (if any) that have been made to the original conductivity data to minimise errors in the data and to correct for any offset applicable, prior to it being updated to the HRC’s hydrometric archive.
Conductivity data processing records primarily relate to automatic conductivity records.
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Manawatu Catchment Board and Regional Water Board
created by (RiC-R027): Rangitikei Wanganui Catchment Board and Regional Water Board
created by (RiC-R027): Horizons Regional Council
managed by (RiC-R038i): Horizons Regional Council
By site and then date
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type