Loose Correspondence Organised into Subject Files

HDC 00333
Descriptive Note

This series contains subject files of the Foxton Harbour Board. All of the documents here were stored loose in a number of boxes. Archives staff have organised these roughly into subjects, although the majority of papers relate to the management of the Foxton Beach endowment.

See series HDC 00332 for papers that were organised into subject files by the Board during this time.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Foxton Harbour Board
Alphabetically by subject. Files have been top numbered by archive staff.
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Accounts and Financial Matters HDC 00333:1:1 1942-1951
Administration of the Port HDC 00333:1:2 1941-1951
Employment Matters HDC 00333:1:3 1942-1946
Foxton Beach Camp Site HDC 00333:1:4 1942-1954
Foxton Beach Leases, Rentals and other matters HDC 00333:1:6 1945-1946
Foxton Beach Leases, Rentals and other matters HDC 00333:1:7 1947-1948
Foxton Beach Leases, Rentals and other matters HDC 00333:1:8 1949-1950
Foxton Beach Leases, Rentals and other matters HDC 00333:1:9 1951-1956
Foxton Beach Leases, Rentals and other matters HDC 00333:1:5 1942-1944
Insurance HDC 00333:1:10 1941-1952
Particulars and conditions of sale by tender of leases of seaside sections at township of Wharangi, Foxton Beach HDC 00333:1:11 1945 (year approximate)-1945 (year approximate)
Property Matters HDC 00333:1:12 1942-1951