Numbered Correspondence Files

HDC 00327
Descriptive Note

This series contains the main numbered file system of the Foxton Harbour Board. It appears to have been set up about 1922, although there are papers on file before that date. 

New files ceased to be created after 1942, although some existing files continued to have papers added to them after this date.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Foxton Harbour Board
Numerically by file number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 312
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Accident Claim, A Summers and W J Andresen HDC 00327:11:260 1931-1932
Accounts in Detail HDC 00327:3:60 1926-1941
Accretion Land HDC 00327:4:72 1922-1949
Afforestation Department HDC 00327:2:17/1/16 1916-1942
Agenda Paper HDC 00327:1:14A Pt3 1931-1931
Agenda Paper HDC 00327:1:14A Pt4 1942-1942
Agenda Papers HDC 00327:1:14A Pt1 1926-1942
Agenda Papers HDC 00327:1:14A Pt2 1932-1939
Amalgamation HDC 00327:12:275/37 1937-1938
Ambulance Stretcher HDC 00327:7:144 1925-1937
Amended Cattle Tick Regulation HDC 00327:1:3 1928-1928
Anchor HDC 00327:7:167 1921-1921
Annotation HDC 00327:7:175 1926-1926
Annual Report HDC 00327:4:80 1909-1941
Application to declare Te Wharangi (Foxton Beach) a Seaside Resort HDC 00327:11:251 1929-1930
Appointment of Pilot, Pilots House HDC 00327:2:25/2/34 1929-1942
Appreciation and Condolence HDC 00327:4:78 1925-1943
Artesian Well, Tenders etc HDC 00327:8:188 1926-1942
Authority to Grant to Unemployment Fund HDC 00327:5:105 1930-1941
Baker Bros, claim for Port Charges HDC 00327:3:36A 1930-1932
Balance Sheets HDC 00327:10:237B 1919-1952
Balance Sheets HDC 00327:10:237 1922-1941
Balance Sheets HDC 00327:10:237A 1919-1932
Baldwin's Orders HDC 00327:3:48 1926-1926
Beach Control, Traffic HDC 00327:6:139 1928-1939
Beach Drainage HDC 00327:3:44A Pt1 1921-1944
Beach Improvement Committee HDC 00327:2:27 1923-1952
Beach Road Loan and Interest HDC 00327:3:41 1922-1948
Beach Sections [Foxton Beach] HDC 00327:8:212 1922-1924
Beach Sections [Foxton Beach] HDC 00327:8:213 1919-1925
Beach Sections [Foxton Beach] HDC 00327:9:215B 1931-1935
Beach Sections [Foxton Beach] HDC 00327:9:215D 1941-1942
Berthage Dues, Claim HDC 00327:8:209 1927-1930
Berthage Preference HDC 00327:6:121 1929-1929
Bitumen HDC 00327:3:40 1925-1925
Black and White Cars Ltd HDC 00327:11:239 1927-1927
Board and Council Journal HDC 00327:10:233 1930-1930
Board of Appeal HDC 00327:5:108 1925-1941
Books necessary for Wharfinger etc HDC 00327:5:90 1925-1929
Borough Rates HDC 00327:3:56A 1925-1929
Brick and Timber Price List HDC 00327:6:137 1925-1939
Building permit HDC 00327:8:198 1926 (year approximate)-1926 (year approximate)
Buoy HDC 00327:5:109 1926-1928
Bylaws HDC 00327:2:35 1925-1951
Cabbage trees on river foreshore HDC 00327:4:74 1929-1935
Calculator HDC 00327:8:180 1925 (year approximate)-1925 (year approximate)
Camp Licenses HDC 00327:12:264/11/42 1942-1942
Camp Site, License HDC 00327:12:264 1931-1943
Casual Advertising Service HDC 00327:7:179 1925-1925
Cement HDC 00327:5:111/1/26 1926-1942