Supporting Documents to Land Use Consents, Resource Consents and Subdivision Files

HDC 00380
Descriptive Note

Supporting documents used in conjunction with applications for Land Use Consents (LUC), Notified Planning Applications/Resource Consent Applications (NPA/RCA) and Subdivision (SUB) files. Where applicable, the primary document is linked.

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created by (RiC-R027): Horowhenua District Council
Original order, as received
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Archives Central
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Records in

Displaying 1 - 17 of 17
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Certificate of Compliance Application - Telecom New Zealand, Lakewood Grove, Levin HDC 00380:2:7 2008
Certificate of Compliance Application - Transpower New Zealand Limited, Repair Work to 25 Transimission Towers, Horowhenua District HDC 00380:2:8 2008
Condition Change - R D Hill, 398 State Highway 1, Levin HDC 00380:2:15 1994-2009
Designation Application - Ministry of Education, Foxton Primary School, Foxton HDC 00380:2:12 2008
Designation Application - New Zealand Land Transport Agency, Reconfiguration of State Highway 56 between the Opiti Township and Makerua Intersection HDC 00380:2:13 2008
Designation Application - Transit New Zeaand, State Highway 1 - Waiauti Stream Bridge HDC 00380:2:11 2008
Designation Application - Transit New Zealand, Realignment of State Highway 57 at Makerua HDC 00380:2:14 2007
Hearing Evidence - Subdivision at 523 Wylie Road, Foxton HDC 00380:2:6 2008
Index of Horowhenua District Council Survey Plan Approvals HDC 00380:2:9 1990-1995
Mangahao Consents Application - Book 1 HDC 00380:1:2 1991 (year approximate)-1993 (year approximate)
Mangahao Consents Application - Book 2 HDC 00380:1:3 1991 (year approximate)-1993 (year approximate)
Mangahao Consents Application - Book 3 HDC 00380:1:4 1991 (year approximate)-1993 (year approximate)
Mangahao Consents Application - House and Subdivision Plans HDC 00380:1:5 1991 (year approximate)-1993 (year approximate)
Outline Plan - Horowhenua District Council, Recreation Reserve, Main Street, Foxton HDC 00380:2:16 2007
Outline Plan - Ministry of Education, Manakau Primary School, Mokena Kohere Road, Manakau HDC 00380:1:17 2008
Proposed Right of Way - Y Yee 303 Oxford Street HDC 00380:2:10 2007
Various Proposals - Mangaore Village and Mangahao Power Station HDC 00380:1:1 1990-1993