The files in this series were originally arranged into two separate series (5.1/2/3 and 5.1/2/5). In 2011 these two series were combined as the files in both had belonged to part of the same original file system. The last Manawatu County Council file system was established in 1981 and replaced an earlier system which was arranged alphabetically and used an alphanumeric file code (e.g. M1). The 1981 file system was a multiple number subject file system. This was dismantled circa 1989 and all original file covers were destroyed and replaced with manila folders and the files were rearranged alphabetically by subject. The lack of any original file index has made reconstruction of the original file system impossible. All the files have been numbered from 1 onwards within each box. If the original file number was found on the correspondence it has been recorded in the database in the other id field. Subjects in the files include district scheme plans, electoral rolls, copies of bylaws, legal documents, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, circulars, civil defence plans, reports and the correspondence files of the Community Councils and the County Town Committees.
Manawatu County Council Inward and Outward Correspondence in Subject Files
MDC 00024
Descriptive Note
Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Manawatu County Council
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type
Records in Manawatu County Council Inward and Outward Correspondence in Subject Files
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