Manawatu District Council Contract Files [1st Series]

MDC 00509
Descriptive Note

This series contains the contract files of the Manawatu District Council for 1989-1997.

The files contain documents and correspondence for contracts issued by the Council. Contracts after 1997 are still held by the Council.

Accession Note: A/2013/16

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Manawatu District Council [II]
Numerically by contract number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 218
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Contract: Arnott Street Feilding, Pavement Strengthening and 1st Coat Seal MDC 00509:9:4/9313 1993-1994
Contract: Awahuri Road, Shape Correction MDC 00509:19:4/9527 1995-1995
Contract: A’Court Street Sanson, 300mm Stormwater Diversion MDC 00509:9:4/9318 1993-1993
Contract: Beach and Nuku Streets, Footpath Construction MDC 00509:10:4/9331 1993-1994
Contract: Beattie Street Flats, 4 Units MDC 00509:12:4/9348 1994-1994
Contract: Bridge Abutment Maintenance, 9 Sites MDC 00509:7:4/9261 1992-1993
Contract: Bridge Handrail Alteration MDC 00509:3:4/9216 1991-1992
Contract: Campbell Road (Mangaone Stream Bridge), Proposed Upgrading MDC 00509:24:4/9650 1996-1997
Contract: Carthew Street and Denbigh Street, Stormwater Main MDC 00509:23:4/9639 1996-1998
Contract: Carthew Street. Reconstruction MDC 00509:27:4/9709 1997-1998
Contract: Cheltenham-Hunterville Road, Mckay Line, Road Improvements MDC 00509:1:4/9003 1989-1990
Contract: Cheltenham-Hunterville Road, Near Cheltenham School, Road Improvements MDC 00509:1:4/8915 1988-1991
Contract: Cheltenham-Hunterville Road, Shape Correction MDC 00509:1:4/9004 1990-1991
Contract: Churcher Street, Footpath Construction MDC 00509:1:4/9001 1989-1990
Contract: Churchill Drive Bridge MDC 00509:1:4/9010 1990-1991
Contract: Coal Creek Bridge, Near Totara Reserve, Abutment Repairs MDC 00509:7:4/9271 1992-1993
Contract: Colyton Road, Oroua River, Concrete Protection 1 Pier Maintenance MDC 00509:18:4/9522 1995-1996
Contract: Colyton Road, Shape Correction, Rp11270-12080mm MDC 00509:21:4/9606 1996-1997
Contract: Community House, 131 Manchester Street, Alterations MDC 00509:30:4/9729 1997-1998
Contract: Concrete Footpath Reconstruction, Various Sites MDC 00509:26:4/9706 1997-1998
Contract: Crash Reduction Study MDC 00509:26:4/9704 1997-1999
Contract: Crushing Of River Metal MDC 00509:5:4/9233 1992-1995
Contract: Demolition Of Old Tractor Repair Building, 12 Eyre Street MDC 00509:19:4/9534 1995-1995
Contract: Denbigh Street (West Side), Footpath Construction MDC 00509:19:4/9526 1995-1996
Contract: Denbigh Street, (East Side), Footpath Reconstruction MDC 00509:9:4/9321 1993-1993
Contract: Derby Street, Woodlark Flats, Pensioner Flats MDC 00509:1:4/9006 1990-1991
Contract: Design and Supervision Of Minor Safety Works MDC 00509:26:4/9705 1996-1997
Contract: Dropout Repairs, Area 1 MDC 00509:8:4/9308 1993-1994
Contract: Dropout Repairs, Area 2 MDC 00509:8:4/9309 1993-1993
Contract: Dropout Repairs, Area 3 MDC 00509:8:4/9310 1993-1994
Contract: Dropout Repairs, Area 4 MDC 00509:8:4/9311 1993-1993
Contract: East Street, Railway Road, Level Crossing Approach, Reconstruction MDC 00509:2:4/9113 1991-1992
Contract: Eyre Street, Carpark Construction MDC 00509:23:4/9631 1996-1996
Contract: Eyre Street, Reconstruction MDC 00509:4:4/9226 1992-1994
Contract: Fagan Street, Construction Of Concrete Footpath and Associated Works MDC 00509:3:4/9118 1992-1992
Contract: Feilding Landfill, Request for Consultancy Service Investigation and Application for Resource Consents, Vol 1 MDC 00509:13:4/9413 Pt1 1994-1995
Contract: Feilding Landfill, Request for Consultancy Service Investigation and Application for Resource Consents, Vol 2 MDC 00509:14:4/9413 Pt2 1995-1995
Contract: Feilding Landfill, Request for Consultancy Service Investigation and Application for Resource Consents, Vol 3 MDC 00509:14:4/9413 Pt3 1995-1996
Contract: Feilding Sewage Treatment Plant, Upgrading Consultancy Service MDC 00509:4:4/9219 1992-1993
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Construction Of Pumphouse and Water Treatment Plant Building Upgrade MDC 00509:12:4/9405 1994-1994
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Infiltration Gallery Wellheads/Rising Main, Vol 1 MDC 00509:12:4/9404 Pt1 1994-1994
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Infiltration Gallery Wellheads/Rising Main, Vol 2 MDC 00509:12:4/4904 Pt2 1994-1994
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Mechanical Services and Electrical Control, Vol 1 MDC 00509:12:4/9406 Pt1 1994-1994
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Mechanical Services and Electrical Control, Vol 2 MDC 00509:12:4/9406 Pt2 1994-1996
Contract: Feilding Water Supply, Production Bore MDC 00509:4:4/9218 1992-1993
Contract: Feilding Water Treatment Plant, Consultancy Services, Vol 1 MDC 00509:10:4/9336 Pt1 1993-1994
Contract: Feilding Water Treatment Plant, Consultancy Services, Vol 2 MDC 00509:10:4/9336 Pt2 1993-1994
Contract: Feilding, Footpath Reconstruction MDC 00509:11:4/9338 1993-1994
Contract: Feilding, Railway Station, Reinstatement MDC 00509:7:4/9257 1992-1993
Contract: Feilding/Palmerston North –Traffic Route Investigation, (Professional Services), Vol 1 MDC 00509:30:4/9725 Pt1 1997-1998