Miscellaneous certificates received by Jono Naylor and subsequent mayors, including:
Item 1: The Young New Zealanders' Challenge Certificate of Acknowledgement to the Mayor of Palmerston North
Item 2: "A Small Dog's Grace" Poem
Item 3: World Harmony Run Tree Plaque
Item 4: Proclamation from Missoula, Montana to Palmerston North
Item 5: "Trailblazer Government, Social Enterprise or Not For Profit Award" Certificate
Item 6: "Tour De Manawatu 2008" certificate
Item 7: IPC Certificate of Appreciation (2010)
Item 8: Food Innovation NZ Certificate (2009)
Item 9: CREST (Creativity in Science and Technology) Award to PNCC for enhancing the quality of students' educational experience in Science and Technology through support of CREST Awards.
Item 10: Colourised cartoon sketch by Malcolm Evans showing an operating theatre scene with surgeons and "NZRFU" printed on their gowns working on a patient labelled "Provincial Rugby" tossing out a heart and stating, "Ooh-Ah... You don't think we might need that bit Steve??". Signed by the creator.
Item 11: Certificate from The National Bank Young Farmer Contest. States, "Certificate of Achievement -Palmerston North City Council, 2009 Host Venue, The National bank Young Farmer Contest - Grand Final." Signed by P A Holmes, President of New Zealand Young Farmers and R Fitzgerald, Contest Manager, The National Bank Young Farmers Contest.
Item 12: Certificate from International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) recognising that PNCC has made a formal commitment to become a participant in the Communities for Climate Protection – New Zealand Programme, presented at the Local Government New Zealand Conference, 29 July 2008.
Item 13: Certificate presented to the City of Palmerston North and the Wider District of Manawatu by the NZ Police, Sub-Area Commander: New Brighton, recognising the support provided following the February 2011 Canterbury Earthquake. Presented on 7 October 2011.
Item 14: Certificate, Finalist in the Massey University Partnership Excellence Award 2016. Presented to PNCC to recognised sustained commitment to partnership excellence.
Item 15: Certificate of Recognition, presented by the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association (NZMCA) in recognition of Palmerston North becoming Motorhome Friendly. Presented December 2016.
Item 16: Certificate, Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) Excellence Awards, Winner of the Martin Jenkins Judges’ Choice Award for Performance Excellence and Community Outcomes. Presented to PNCC, 16 July 2018.
Item 17: Certificate, LGNZ Excellence Awards, Winner of the Creative New Zealand Excellence Award for Best Creative Place. Presented for the PNCC Public Art Programme, 16 July 2018.
Item 18: Certificate, LGNZ Excellence Awards, Winner of the Excellence Award for Best Practice in Governance, Leadership and Strategy. Presented to PNCC for Framing the Big Picture, 16 July 2018.
Item 19: Certificate, LGNZ Excellence Awards, Finalist in the Fulton Hogan Excellence Award for Community Engagement. Presented to PNCC for the Junior Road Safety Park, 16 July 2018.
Item 20: Mai Farm Trust, Certificate of Appreciation, 2008.