Building Permits Indexes

PNCC 4/13/3
Descriptive Note

Rates Office copy.

Card indexes of all entries in Volume 1 of series 4/13/1. These entries cover the periods May to September 1904, April to December 1906 and April 1913 to July 1921, in three parts. 1. The Section Index contains those permit entries recording the section number and allotment (lot) number of the property for which the permit has been issued. These section numbers are part of the legal description of the land and are not the street address number of the building concerned. 2. The Street Index contains those permit entries where no legal description of the property has been recorded, but where a street address has been given. 3. The Applicant Index contains those permit entries where only the name of the applicant has been recorded (not the section number or street address). Users should check all three indexes when trying to locate a permit entry.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Building Permit Registers Index PNCC 4/13/3:1: 1904-1921
Building Permit Registers Index PNCC 4/13/3:2: 1904-1921