Drainage Permit Records

PNCC 4/12/4
Descriptive Note

Records of Plumbing and Drainage Permits issued by the Engineer’s Department for private dwellings, business premises and public buildings. Listed in numerical order of permit as as they were issued.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 55
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:12: 1981-1982
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:44: 1989
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:13: 1982
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:45: 1989-1990
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:14: 1982
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:46: 1990
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:15: 1982
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:47: 1990
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:16: 1982
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:48: 1990-1991
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:17: 1982-1983
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:49: 1990-1991
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:18: 1983
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:50: 1991
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:19: 1983
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:51: 1991-1992
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:20: 1983
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:52: 1991-1992
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:21: 1983-1984
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:53: 1992
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:22: 1984
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:54: 1992-1993
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:23: 1984
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:55: 1992-1993
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:24: 1984
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:25: 1985-1985
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:26: 1985
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:27: 1985
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:28: 1985
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:29: 1985
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:30: 1985-1986
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:31: 1986
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:32: 1986
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:33: 1986-1987
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:1: 1978-1979
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:34: 1987
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:2: 1979
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:35: 1987
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:3: 1979
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:36: 1987
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:4: 1979-1980
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:37: 1987-1988
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:5: 1980
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:38: 1988
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:6: 1980
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:39: 1988
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:7: 1980
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:40: 1988-1989
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:8: 1980-1981
Plumbing and Drainage Permit Book PNCC 4/12/4:41: 1988-1989