Engineer Department Contract Specifications

PNCC 4/7/2
Descriptive Note

Numbered Series.

Contract Conditions and specifications (signed by Council and contractors), arranged in numerical order, by Contract Number. For payment certificates, site instructions and correspondence, see work files in series 4/7/3. For specifications after 1992 (Contracts 1800 onwards) see series 27.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1037
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Highbury Avenue Toilet Block PNCC 4/7/2:68:3 1983
Kerb Replacement, 133 - 151 College Street PNCC 4/7/2:106:4 1991
Abattoir Cattle Pithing Pen Alterations PNCC 4/7/2:7:9 1933
Abattoir Cooling Room Strengthening and Repairs PNCC 4/7/2:10:15 1943
Abattoir Demolition PNCC 4/7/2:33:3 1969
Addition/Painting/Paperhanging, 202 Fitzherbert Avenue PNCC 4/7/2:7:17 1935
Additions to 6 Manawaroa Street PNCC 4/7/2:11:21 1947
Additions to Abattoirs Gut House PNCC 4/7/2:1:17 1922
Additions to Albert Street Depot Bus Barn PNCC 4/7/2:11:3 1945
Additions to Bus Shelter Drivers Room, The Square PNCC 4/7/2:11:4 1946
Additions to Dwelling, 95 Napier Road PNCC 4/7/2:12:20 1949
Additions to Ladies Rest Room, The Square PNCC 4/7/2:12:17 1949
Additions to Municipal Baths Caretakers Residence PNCC 4/7/2:4:14 1925
Additions to Skoglund Park Pavilion PNCC 4/7/2:67:5 1983
Additions to Waiting Shelter, The Square PNCC 4/7/2:7:6 1932
Additions to Water Works Filter Plant PNCC 4/7/2:6:7 1929
Aggregate Supply to Turitea Dam PNCC 4/7/2:14:9 1953
Airport Apron Construction at Field-Air PNCC 4/7/2:89:4 1990
Airport Apron Reconstruction Specifications PNCC 4/7/2:61:5 1981
Airport Apron Reconstruction Specifications PNCC 4/7/2:61:6 1981
Airport Apron Stormwater Reconstruction PNCC 4/7/2:61:3 1980
Airport Drive Upgrading PNCC 4/7/2:109:4 1992
Airport Hay Removal PNCC 4/7/2:62:11 1982
Airport Hay Removal PNCC 4/7/2:67:6 1983
Airport Hay Removal PNCC 4/7/2:63:2 1982
Airport Runway Markings PNCC 4/7/2:46:5 1973
Airport Runway Resealing PNCC 4/7/2:46:3 1973
Airport Sewer and Water Main PNCC 4/7/2:40:4 1971
Airport Slurry Sealing PNCC 4/7/2:39:7 1971
Ake Ake Avenue Kerb Replacement PNCC 4/7/2:85:5 1988
Albert Street Depot Amenities Block Schedule of Quantities PNCC 4/7/2:56:4 1977
Albert Street Depot Amenities Block Specifications PNCC 4/7/2:56:3 1977
Albert Street Depot Bus Barn/Workshops/Machine Shop/Storerooms Erection PNCC 4/7/2:110:1 1926
Albert Street Depot Carpenters Workshop PNCC 4/7/2:65:7 1982
Albert Street Depot Carpenters Workshop PNCC 4/7/2:65:8 1982
Albert Street Depot Stores Building PNCC 4/7/2:58:2 1978
Albert Street Depot Stores Building PNCC 4/7/2:55:2 1976
Albert Street Depot Stores Building PNCC 4/7/2:112:6 1978
Albert Street Housing for Elderly Conditions and Specifications PNCC 4/7/2:86:3 1988
Albert Street Stormwater PNCC 4/7/2:29:2 1966
Alteration and Conversion into Flats, 48 Fitzherbert Avenue PNCC 4/7/2:14:2 1953
Alteration to Public Library Charging Desk PNCC 4/7/2:9:4 1937
Alterations and Additions to Cottage at Septic Tanks PNCC 4/7/2:2:14 1923
Alterations and Additions to Hokowhitu Bowling Green Pavilion PNCC 4/7/2:10:25 1944
Alterations and Additions to Manawatu Bowling Club Pavilion PNCC 4/7/2:2:6 1922
Alterations and Repairs to Abattoir Buildings PNCC 4/7/2:12:27 1950
Alterations to Camping Ground Kitchen and Laundry Block PNCC 4/7/2:12:28 1950
Alterations to Conveniences at Lakelet in The Square PNCC 4/7/2:8:3 1935
Alterations to Council Rest Rooms PNCC 4/7/2:12:19 1949
Alterations to Premises Alongside Municipal Buildings PNCC 4/7/2:9:22 1940