Health Inspector's Office Subject Files

PNCC 4/3/4
Descriptive Note

Registered files. A sample of files from the office of the Chief City Health Inspector, selected to portray the variety of work performed by the Council’s health inspectors. These files contain inward and outward correspondence and inspection reports. After 1965 most of the correspondence of the City Engineer’s Department was filed by the records office of the Town Clerk’s Department. (Series 1/5/5), while the Health Inspector’s Office maintained a separate filing system of its own.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 173
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
"No Smoking" Signs PNCC 4/3/4:14:3
Clean Indoor Air By-Law Folder 1 PNCC 4/3/4:14:1
Clean Indoor Air By-Law Folder 2 PNCC 4/3/4:14:2
Clean Indoor Air Project PNCC 4/3/4:15:3 1989-1990
Clean Indoor Air Promotion PNCC 4/3/4:15:1 1986-1987
Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:9 1974-1976
Eating House Regulations PNCC 4/3/4:11:2 1957-1991
Food Hygiene Courses PNCC 4/3/4:11:3 1970-1991
Food Hygiene Merit Award Certificate PNCC 4/3/4:11:4 1974
Health Inspection - Air Pollution PNCC 4/3/4:13:2 1966
Health Inspection - Air Pollution PNCC 4/3/4:11:1 1973-1984
Health Inspection - Boarding House PNCC 4/3/4:10:1 1987-1994
Health Inspection - Boarding House PNCC 4/3/4:10:2 1963-1983
Health Inspection - Boarding House PNCC 4/3/4:10:3 1987-1990
Health Inspection - Boarding House PNCC 4/3/4:10:4 1965-1993
Health Inspection - Boarding House PNCC 4/3/4:10:5 1981-1989
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:10 1959-1972
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:42 1958-1961
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:11 1972
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:43 1960-1963
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:12 1971
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:44 1957
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:13 1976
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:45 1969-1976
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:14 1968
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:46 1965-1966
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:15 1961
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:47 1961
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:16 1958
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:48 1973
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:17 1966
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:49 1976
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:18 1961-1964
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:1 1969-1970
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:19 1970
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:2 1967
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:20 1972
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:3 1963-1965
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:21 1968-1975
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:4 1972-1973
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:22 1966
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:5 1968-1974
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:23 1963
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:6 1965
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:24 1962
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:7 1964
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:25 1968
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:8 1972
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:1:26 1965
Health Inspection - Complaint Investigation PNCC 4/3/4:2:9 1969