Inwards Correspondence/Subject Files

PNCC 1/5/20
Descriptive Note

Correspondence, reports and working papers kept by Peter Apthorp (Town Clerk 1974-1989). Each file carries a numbered tag, and files are arranged in numerical order. This filing system was kept in the Town Clerk’s private office and was maintained independently of the departmental filing system, now known as series 1/5/5.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
'Managing Change' PNCC 1/5/20:1:20 1988
City Boundary Extensions PNCC 1/5/20:5:58 1987-1989
Contract of Employment PNCC 1/5/20:5:77 1985
E.D.P. Industry Allowance PNCC 1/5/20:3:34 1988-1989
Equal Opportunity PNCC 1/5/20:5:70 1988-1989
Higher Salaries Commission PNCC 1/5/20:4:49 1975-1989
Indexes to Subject Files PNCC 1/5/20:1:1 1988
Installation of Mayor Paul Rieger PNCC 1/5/20:5:68 1985
Internal Audit PNCC 1/5/20:1:5 1986-1989
Introduction Seminar for new Councillors PNCC 1/5/20:4:37 1983
Management Review PNCC 1/5/20:1:21 1988
Management Review PNCC 1/5/20:2:21 1988
Management Review PNCC 1/5/20:2:21 1989
Management Review PNCC 1/5/20:3:21 1989
Officer Vehicle Committee PNCC 1/5/20:1:1/5 1980-1985
Officers Industrial Agreement PNCC 1/5/20:3:31 1976-1989
Organistation Charts PNCC 1/5/20:5:79 1975-1989
Planning Hearing Procedures PNCC 1/5/20:4:53 1967-1985
Private Use of Council Motor Vehicles PNCC 1/5/20:4:55 1975-1989
Properties in Coleman Mall and Cuba Street PNCC 1/5/20:4:48 1987-1988