Kairanga County Council Balance Sheets

PNCC K3/5/1
Descriptive Note

Printed copies of Audited Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts as at 31 March of each year Note: 1979 – 1987 are missing

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Kairanga County Council
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 70
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:46 1955
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:14 1923
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:47 1956
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:15 1924
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:48 1957
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:16 1925
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:49 1958
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:17 1926
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:50 1959
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:18 1927
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:51 1960
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:19 1928
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:52 1961
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:20 1929
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:53 1962
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:21 1930
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:54 1963
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:22 1931
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:55 1964
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:23 1932
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:56 1965
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:24 1933
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:57 1966
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:25 1934
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:58 1967
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:26 1935
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:59 1968
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:27 1936
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:60 1969
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:28 1937
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:61 1970
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:29 1938
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:62 1971
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:30 1939
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:63 1972
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:31 1940
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:64 1973
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:32 1941
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:1 1903-1910
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:65 1974
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:33 1942
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:2 1911
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:66 1975
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:34 1943
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:3 1912
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:67 1976
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:35 1944
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:4 1913
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:2:68 1977
Balance Sheet and Statements of Accounts PNCC K3/5/1:1:36 1945