Kairanga County Council Engineer Subject Files

PNCC K3/17/1
Descriptive Note

These files, arranged chronologically in subject areas, contain inwards and outwards correspondence newspaper cuttings and working papers created by the County Engineer. They appear to have been in current use at the same time as the County Clerk’s subject files now described as series 3/4/3, 3/4/4, 3/4/5 and 3/4/7.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Kairanga County Council
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 87
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Limited Access Road, Aokautere PNCC K3/17/1:14:78 1980-1982
"Light Suspension Bridges" PNCC K3/17/1:5:25 1919
Aokautere Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:33 1924-1927
Approach Road to Rangitane Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:7:44 1935
Awapuni Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:38 1928-1929
Awapuni Soldier Settlement PNCC K3/17/1:14:81 1920
Bridge Contract PNCC K3/17/1:8:51 1955-1959
Bridge Inspection Reports PNCC K3/17/1:13:73 1935-1978
British Pavements Ltd PNCC K3/17/1:7:43 1929-1933
Bryants Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:9:54 1959-1960
Bryants Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:36 1926-1927
Buchanan's Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:8:52 1956
Building Consruction Controls PNCC K3/17/1:1:2 1940-1956
Bullocky Creek Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:37 1928-1929
Burkes Drain PNCC K3/17/1:6:35 1926-1928
Civil Defence Sector and Warden Posts PNCC K3/17/1:2:4 1967
Cloverlea Soldier Settlement re Water Supply PNCC K3/17/1:14:79 1919-1922
Consents for Issues of Building Permits PNCC K3/17/1:1:3 1949-1950
County Engineer General Correspondence PNCC K3/17/1:3:16 1945-1958
County Engineer Subject Files PNCC K3/17/1:7:47 1947-1962
County Roads as Main Highways PNCC K3/17/1:11:65 1928-1953
Craws Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:8:53 1956-1957
Derby Creek Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:39 1928-1929
Estimates and Authorities - Main Highways PNCC K3/17/1:11:63 1941-1958
Expenditure of "Thirds", "Fourths" and "Halves" PNCC K3/17/1:5:21 1917-1930
Experimental Length of Concrete Road PNCC K3/17/1:5:23 1919
Fitzherbert East Road PNCC K3/17/1:7:49 1952-1953
Fitzherbert East Road PNCC K3/17/1:9:55 1959-1967
Fitzherbert East Road PNCC K3/17/1:13:74 1952-1961
Five Yearly Survey for Roading Needs PNCC K3/17/1:13:76 1969-1974
Government Grant - Foxton Line and Palmerston North-Pahiatua Road PNCC K3/17/1:6:31 1924-1925
Greatford to Ashhurst Road PNCC K3/17/1:12:67 1928-1957
Highway Information Sheets and Route Data PNCC K3/17/1:13:75 1959-1984
Himitangi to Palmerston North Road PNCC K3/17/1:12:68 1926-1946
Hoihere Road and Tutaki Road Extensions PNCC K3/17/1:9:57 1977-1980
Jefferies Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:6:34 1926
Kahuterawa Road, Old West Road and Lockwood Road PNCC K3/17/1:9:58 1978-1983
Kairanga County Council Staff PNCC K3/17/1:15:82 1936-1947
Kairanga Soldier Settlement Roading and Water Supply PNCC K3/17/1:14:80 1919-1921
Kairanga to Bunnythorpe Road PNCC K3/17/1:12:71 1930-1947
Keeble's Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:7:40 1928-1929
Levin to Palmerston North Road PNCC K3/17/1:12:69 1935-1947
Linton Main Drain Road PNCC K3/17/1:7:46 1942
Loan Proposals PNCC K3/17/1:2:11 1920
Longburn - Rongotea Road PNCC K3/17/1:9:56 1963-1968
Longburn to Tangimoana Road PNCC K3/17/1:12:70 1930-1959
Lynch's Bridge PNCC K3/17/1:7:41 1928-1929
Main Highways Board and National Roads Board Information PNCC K3/17/1:9:59 1928-1954
Main Highways Board and National Roads Board Information PNCC K3/17/1:10:60 1931-1959
Main Highways Board and National Roads Board Information PNCC K3/17/1:10:61 1954-1958