By-Laws and Regulations

PNCC 1/9/3
Descriptive Note

Un-Numbered By-Laws. Printed copies of city by-laws.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
Has location
Ian Matheson City Archives
Record Set Type

Records in By-Laws and Regulations

Displaying 1 - 41 of 41
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Amending By-Law No. 1 PNCC 1/9/3:1:11 1966
Livestock Vehicle By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:27 1975
Anti-litter By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:17 1968
Bees By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:2 1961
Billiard Rooms By-Law, PNCC 1/9/3:1:18 1968
Boarding House and Apartment House By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:20 1971
Building By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:25 1974
Camping Area By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:7 1965
Cat and Dog By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:21 1972
Cemetery By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:6 1964
Cemetery By-Law Amendment No. 1 PNCC 1/9/3:1:12 1966
Control of Noise By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:22 1973
Dog By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:32 1965
Fees By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:3 1980
Fire Prevention By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:29 1975
Footpaths (Commercial Purposes) By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:6 1983
House to House Appeal By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:19 1970
Lighting of Fires in Open Air By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:15 1968
Lighting of Fires in Open Air By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:5 1962
Metered Zones and Parking Places By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:9 1987
Mobile or Travelling Shops, Hawkers, Itinerant Traders, Street Days and Stalls By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:30 1975
Omnibus By-Law, PNCC 1/9/3:1:9 1966
Parking Meter By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:1 1961
Parking Meter By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:13 1961-1968
Penalty Provisions By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:5 1981
Public Baths and Swimming Pools By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:1 1973
Public Baths and Swimming Pools By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:8 1965
Refuse Removal By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:28 1975
Reserves By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:16 1968
Reserves By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:4 1961
Restriction of Access to Private Swimming Pools By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:7 1984
Sale of Food and Registration of Food Premises, Eating Houses and Food Hawkers By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:10 1966
Sanitation in Places of Assembly By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:3 1961
Signs By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:31 1976
Signs By-Law, PNCC 1/9/3:2:4 1980
Stock Droving By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:26 1974
Trade Wastes By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:2 1977
Traffic By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:14 1967
Traffic By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:2:8 1984
Waterworks By-Law PNCC 1/9/3:1:23 1973
Waterworks By-Law Amendment PNCC 1/9/3:1:24 1973