Administrative files (1st series)

RDC 00071
Descriptive Note

This series contains the correspondence files of the Marton Borough Council, used from the 1920s to the 1960s. There are no file numbers for these, so they have been top numbered within each box to aid access. The subjects contained within each file vary from specific one off items, to large general topics.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Marton Borough Council
Alphabetically by file title
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 267
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Advertisements RDC 00071:1:1 1953-1960
Agendas and Resolutions re account RDC 00071:1:2 1941-1950
Applications for position - Deputy Foreman RDC 00071:1:3 1951-1951
Applications for position of Borough Foreman RDC 00071:1:4 1950-1951
Applications for position of Gas Manager, Marton Gas Works RDC 00071:1:5 1948-1948
Appointment of Assessor to the Assessment Court for the Borough of Marton RDC 00071:1:6 1934-1940
Appointment Town Clerk - Tillick RDC 00071:1:7 1949-1952
Arthur D Riley and Co Ltd [Water Reservoir Dam] RDC 00071:1:8 1944-1951
Assistant Town Clerk RDC 00071:1:9 1959-1960
Baths Filtration [Swimming Pool] RDC 00071:2:10 1962-1964
Borough Foreman and Works staff RDC 00071:2:11 1954-1966
Borough Properties RDC 00071:2:12 1954-1965
Borough Statistics RDC 00071:2:13 1955-1967
Braeside Boarding House - G S Whiteside, correspondence RDC 00071:2:14 1939-1939
Building Permits RDC 00071:2:15 1953-1962
Cash Estate re exclusion of farm land from Borough RDC 00071:2:16 1951-1952
Centennial Celebrations - Memorial to Pioneers at Mt Stewart RDC 00071:2:17 1938-1954
Centennial Celebrations - Wellington Province RDC 00071:2:18 1938-1940
Centennial Park - Minutes of Carnival Committee RDC 00071:2:19 1938-1938
Centennial Park and Tree Planting RDC 00071:3:20 1939-1940
Centennial Park Leases RDC 00071:3:21 1951-1956
Charitable Aid Letters RDC 00071:3:22 1930-1933
Charitable Aid Letters RDC 00071:3:23 1933-1936
Christmas Carnival RDC 00071:3:24 1930-1938
Civic Theatre - Use of RDC 00071:3:25 1953-1960
Claims On Mayor's Flood Relief Fund RDC 00071:3:26 1950-1950
Coronation Celebrations RDC 00071:32:264 1953-1953
Coronation Celebrations RDC 00071:32:266 1937-1937
Correspondence - Drill Shed Reserve RDC 00071:3:27 1939-1940
Correspondence - Superior Oil Company RDC 00071:3:28 1942-1942
Correspondence re Rates [General] RDC 00071:3:29 1940-1947
Correspondence re Rates [To and From Ratepayers] RDC 00071:4:30 1941-1944
Correspondence re Rates [To and From Ratepayers] RDC 00071:4:31 1944-1947
Correspondence re Rates [To and From Ratepayers] RDC 00071:4:32 1945-1949
Correspondence re Rates [To and From Ratepayers] (1952-1953); also EPS related matters (1948-1950) RDC 00071:5:34 1948-1953
Correspondence re Rates [To and From Ratepayers] also Rangitikei Catchment Board RDC 00071:4:33 1950-1950
Correspondence re Rates, Debt Collection RDC 00071:5:35 1954-1965
Correspondence re Rates, General RDC 00071:5:36 1960-1965
Correspondence re Rates: Letters From Ratepayers RDC 00071:5:37 1933-1936
Correspondence re Rates: Letters From Ratepayers RDC 00071:5:38 1936-1938
Correspondence re Rates: Letters From Ratepayers RDC 00071:6:39 1938-1941
Correspondence re Rates: Letters to and from Ratepayers RDC 00071:6:40 1932-1933
Correspondence re Rates: Letters to Ratepayers RDC 00071:6:41 1933-1937
Correspondence re Rates: Letters to Ratepayers RDC 00071:6:42 1937-1938
Correspondence re Rates: Letters to Ratepayers RDC 00071:6:43 1938-1941
Dominion Appeal for the NZ Blind RDC 00071:6:44 1951-1951
Economic Stabilisation Commission - Correspondence to and from RDC 00071:7:45 1948-1950
Emergency Precaution Scheme (EPS) Circulars RDC 00071:7:46 1941-1942
Emergency Precaution Scheme (EPS) Circulars RDC 00071:7:47 1942-1944
Emergency Precaution Scheme (EPS) Correspondence RDC 00071:7:48 1939-1942