
RDC 00068
Descriptive Note

This series contains the engineering contracts of the Rangitikei County Council for 1933 to 1988. The contracts cover a variety of subjects such as the construction of bridges, buildings, culverts, drainage, sewer and stormwater systems, roads and the sealing of roads. The files usually contain the signed documents and a description of the work, but also often include a set of specifications and plans for the work. The file numbers are broken into two parts, the first is the contract number, the second is an identifier for the work. For example, 226 B/95 is for contract 226 and the 95th Bridge contract.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Rangitikei County Council
Numerically by contract number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in Contracts

Displaying 1 - 50 of 428
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Contract: 1014 Sq ft Cottage Rongoiti Junction RDC 00068:12:364 BL/44 1966-1966
Contract: 3 Reinforced Concrete Culverts Bulls - Tekuiti and Auckland - Wellington Main Highways RDC 00068:1:709 C/4 1936-1936
Contract: A 7' x 10'6; Culvert Leedstown Road, B 6' x 6' Culvert Leedstown Road, C 7' x 10'6 Culvert Union Line RDC 00068:1:814 C/13 1950-1950
Contract: Additions to Concrete Culvert 12m69 - 75chs Turakina - Bulls Main Highway RDC 00068:1:683 C/2 1933-1933
Contract: Additions to Coronation Hall, Rata RDC 00068:12:738 BL/13 1938-1938
Contract: Agnews Bridge Renewal RDC 00068:5:155 B/81 1959-1959
Contract: Aldworth Road Bridge (No 1) 30 ft Span Bridge RDC 00068:2:924 B/32 1954-1955
Contract: Aldworth Road Bridge (No 2) 35 ft Span Bridge RDC 00068:2:923 B/30 1954-1954
Contract: Aldworth Road Bridge (No 3) 40 ft Span Bridge RDC 00068:2:922 B/29 1955-1955
Contract: Aldworth Road Culverts (2) Reinforced Concrete Box RDC 00068:3:956 C/25 1955-1955
Contract: Amoawhango Valley Road Bridge Replacement No3, Kapuawhui Stream 40ft Span RDC 00068:3:950 B/63 1955-1955
Contract: Amons Bridge Renewal RDC 00068:5:157 B/83 1960-1960
Contract: Auckland - Wellington Main Highway - Turakina to Bulls Surfacing approx 11m 57chs RDC 00068:1:692 S/1 1935-1935
Contract: Awahuri - Mangaweka via Kimbolton. M.H. 829 Mangaweka Bridge. Renewal of Deck and Stringers RDC 00068:2:932 B/26 1954-1954
Contract: Bald Hill Bridge Renewal RDC 00068:5:154 B/80 1959-1959
Contract: Batley's Bridge Makokomiko Stream RDC 00068:5:140 B/75 1958-1958
Contract: Bells Bridge Replacement Waiaruhi Road; Turakina River, 50 ft Span Bridge RDC 00068:3:36 B/47 1956-1956
Contract: Bird's Bridge Replacement B107 Waikakahi Road; Waikakahi Stream 45ft span RDC 00068:3:38 B/50 1956-1957
Contract: Bird's Bridge Replacement Waikakahi Road; Waikakahi Stream 45ft span RDC 00068:3:38 B/50 1956-1956
Contract: Blundells Bridge Renewal RDC 00068:5:180 B/86 1960-1960
Contract: Bonny - Glen Norwood Corner Main Highway Jefferson's Line Section Dust Laying Seal Coat RDC 00068:2:835 S/15 1951-1951
Contract: Borough's Bridge - Mokai Road RDC 00068:2:914 B/31 1954-1954
Contract: Brandon Hall Bridge Replacement, Brandon Hall Road, Tutaenui Stream, 120ft Span, Callender - Hamilton Type B Through Bridge RDC 00068:4:63 B/53 1957-1957
Contract: Bredins Line Sewer Extension RDC 00068:11:373 1987-1987
Contract: Building - Maungaraupi Stream Bridges - Tututotara Road RDC 00068:1:720 B/4 1936-1937
Contract: Building New Coronation Hall, Rata RDC 00068:12:764 BL/17 1945-1945
Contract: Bulls - Scott's Ferry MH 916 first Coat Seal 2m 20ihs Pukehou Road Junction - Parewanui School RDC 00068:2:935 S/49 1954-1954
Contract: Bulls County Borough Construction Public Toilet Block, High Street RDC 00068:13:647 T/5 1971-1971
Contract: Bulls Oxidation Ponds RDC 00068:9:859 M/18 1975-1976
Contract: Bulls Scott's Ferry Main Highway 916 Road Oil Reseal RDC 00068:2:926 S/43 1954-1954
Contract: Bulls Sewer Reticulation RDC 00068:9:766A M/14 1974-1974
Contract: Bulls Sewer Reticulation Stage 2 RDC 00068:9:766B M/16 1975-1976
Contract: Bulls Sewer Reticulation Stage 2 (plans only) RDC 00068:9:766B M/16 1975-1975
Contract: Bulls Sewer Reticulation Stage 3 RDC 00068:10:910 M/20 1978-1978
Contract: Bulls Sewer Reticulation Stage 3 RDC 00068:10:910 M/20 1978-1978
Contract: Bulls Town Hall Alterations RDC 00068:13:36 BL/68 1980-1980
Contract: Bulls Town Hall Floor & Sub-Floor Replacement RDC 00068:13:691 T/7 1972-1972
Contract: Bulls Town Hall, a) Removal of floor and Sub-floor, b) Replacement of floor and sub-floor RDC 00068:13:691 BL/57 1972-1972
Contract: Calico Line Bridge Replacement, Tutainui Stream, 45ft Span RDC 00068:3:955 B/43 1956-1956
Contract: Calico Line Water Supply Reticulation RDC 00068:2:883 MH/10 1952-1952
Contract: Cameron's Bridge Replacement Kahuraponga [Kahurauponga] Stream, Turakina Beach Road, 80ft Span Bridge RDC 00068:4:64 B/54 1957-1957
Contract: Caretaker Council Chambers RDC 00068:13:BL/30 1938-1948
Contract: Central Heating Plant for New County Offices - Marton RDC 00068:12:708B BL/5 1937-1937
Contract: Cleaning and Repairing Drains Rakautaua Drainage District Wangaehu RDC 00068:1:762 D/6 1943-1943
Contract: Cleaning and Repairing Drains Rakautaua Drainage District Wangaehu RDC 00068:1:776 D/11 1945-1945
Contract: Cleaning Drains - Haunui District RDC 00068:1:766 D/8 1944-1944
Contract: Cleaning Drains Rakautaua Drainage District RDC 00068:1:767 D/9 1944-1944
Contract: Cleaning Rakautaua Drains (Concrete) RDC 00068:1:812 D/13 1949-1949
Contract: Cleaning Whangaehu Valley Drains RDC 00068:1:689 D/1 1934-1938
Contract: Clearing 345 ½ chains of Drains Rakautaue Drainage District RDC 00068:1:797 D/5 1948-1948