Files grouped by subject

RDC 00069
Descriptive Note

This series contains correspondence taken from the file systems of the Rangitikei County Council and grouped together by subject. The original file number has been noted where it has been possible to find.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Rangitikei County Council
Alphabetically by file title
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 110
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Annual Accounts 1979-1984, Annual Conference 1974-1980 RDC 00069:1:1 1980-1984
Appeals and Street days etc 1949-1988 RDC 00069:1:2 1949-1988
Archival and Historical Data 1976-1989 RDC 00069:1:3 1970-1989
Audit: Office Data-1947 to 1987 RDC 00069:1:4 1947-1987
Banking Facilities: ANZ -1961 to 1987 RDC 00069:1:5 1961-1987
Bridges (Specific): Agnews 1957-1959, Aldworth 1985-1986, Amon 1959-1961, Bald Hill 1959-1960, Blundell 1956-1961, Bradley 1964, Brandon Hall 1956-1966, Bruce 1982, Chirnside 1957-1986, Colenso 1965-1966, Colliers 1957-1960, Collins 1984-1985 RDC 00069:2:6 1956-1986
Bridges (Specific): Concrete Ford 1958-1960, Dry Gorge 1956-1959, Erewhon 1968-1981, Gordon 1984, Greens 1976-1980, Healy's 1968-1973, Hereford 1957-1960 RDC 00069:2:7 1956-1984
Bridges (Specific): Hintz-Mickleson 1956-1986, Jacobsens 1961-1965, Kakakino 1983-1984, Kakariki 1961-1981 RDC 00069:2:8 1956-1986
Bridges (Specific): Kauangaroa 1975-1979 RDC 00069:2:9 1975-1979
Bridges (Specific): Knights 1960-1979, Koitiata 1960-1968, Leedstown 1959, Lilburns 1957-1959 RDC 00069:2:10 1960-1979
Bridges (Specific): Makirikiri 1985, Mangahowhi-Galpins 1948-1955, Mangaohane 1976-1979, Mangarere 1980-1985, Mataiaponga 1956-1958, Mataroa 1959-1961, Moawhango 1950-1956 RDC 00069:3:11 1957-1985
Bridges (Specific): McDonells-Kaimatawai 1956-1958, McKinnons 1964-1981, McLeays 1970-1972 RDC 00069:3:12 1956-1981
Bridges (Specific): Mokai 1961-1966, Mt Curl 1983, O'Callaghans 1985-1986, O'Keefes 1958-1959, Okirae 1959-1964, Omatane 1987-1988, Onepuhi 1947-1976 RDC 00069:3:13 1947-1988
Bridges (Specific): Otaihape 1951-1955, Otara 1980, Otiwhiti 1965, Otupae 1947-1949, Papakai 1956-1961, Papanui 1984-1986, Paulins 1976-1984 RDC 00069:4:14 1951-1986
Bridges (Specific): Public Trust 1961-1963, Pukemaupo 1961-1965, Puketoi 1978-1984, Pungatua 1957-1970 RDC 00069:4:15 1961-1984
Bridges (Specific): Putorino 1982-1983, Rangitira 1985, Santoft 1985-1986, Schultz 1961-1967, Silverhope 1958, Somersal 1957-1958, Sutherlands 1973-1977, Taruarau 1949-1984, ToeToe 1980-1984 RDC 00069:4:16 1957-1986
Bridges (Specific): Totmans 1958-1960, Trickers 1951-1967, Twin Bridge 1971-1977, Vinegar Hill 1973-1977, Weekes 1957-1986, West Road 1957-1965, Williams 1965-1966 RDC 00069:5:17 1951-1986
Bridges: Boundary 1949-1979, Replacements 1956-1985 RDC 00069:5:18 1949-1979
Bridges: General 1947-1987 RDC 00069:5:19 1947-1987
Bridges: Reports 1945-1973, General Data and Information 1950-1956, Contractor Information 1953-1956 RDC 00069:5:20 1945-1973
Bulls Subdivisions: Boundary adjustments 1951-1977, Sundry 1958-1974 RDC 00069:6:21 1951-1977
Bulls: Licensed Premises 1977 -1989, Library-1964 to 1987, General 1958 to 1979 RDC 00069:6:22 1958-1989
Bulls: Post Office / Exchange 1971-1991, School Bus Issue-1985, Police Relations 1974-1987 RDC 00069:6:23 1971-1991
Bulls: Promotional Data-1984 to 1988, Community Councillors General-1980 to 1989, Bus Depot-1980-1986 RDC 00069:7:24 1984-1988
By-Laws Rangitikei County Council 1949 to 1987 RDC 00069:7:25 1949-1987
Cemeteries (General): Incl Mataroa, Turakina, Hunterville-1945 to 1987 RDC 00069:7:26 1945-1987
Cemeteries (specific): Bulls (Clifton) 1955-1987, Tiriraukawa-1949 to 1979, Mangaweka-1975 to 1987, Ratana-1963 to 1984, Ohingaiti-1947 to 1987 RDC 00069:8:27 1949-1987
Civil Defence: Northern Sector-1970 to 1987, General Data-1966 to 1989 RDC 00069:8:28 1966-1989
Civil Defence: Southern Sector 1970-1983 RDC 00069:8:29 1970-1983
Civil Defence: Southern Sector-1984 to 1989 RDC 00069:8:30 1984-1989
Conferences: 1981-Auckland, 1982-Dunedin, 1983-Rotorua, 1984-Christchurch, 1985-Auckland, 1986-Dunedin RDC 00069:9:31 1981-1986
Conferences: 1987-Rotorua, 1988-Christchurch, 1989-Rotorua RDC 00069:9:32 1987-1987
Counties Association: Industrial Union of Employers 1984 to 1988, Ward 4 meetings 1980 to 1988, Newsletters-1982 to 1986 RDC 00069:9:33 1980-1986
Counties Association: Minutes and Reports-1980 to 1987 RDC 00069:10:34 1980-1987
Counties: Urban Issues and Policies 1982 to 1987, General Information-1982 to 1988 RDC 00069:10:35 1982-1988
County Agencies: Bulls, Hunterville, Waiouru 1970-1987 RDC 00069:10:36 1970-1987
Debtors: Sundry Data 1974-1988 RDC 00069:10:37 1974-1988
Dog Control - Dog Ranging: General-81/85, Waiouru-85, Taihape-85/87, Marton-85/87, Bulls-78/87 RDC 00069:11:38 1981-1985
Dog Control: National Hydatids Council Bulletins 1966-1973 RDC 00069:11:39 1966-1973
Dog Control: National Hydatids Council Bulletins-1974-1986, Hydatids Control Plan-86/87, Bylaws-1985 RDC 00069:11:40 1974-1986
Dog Control: Prosecutions 1970-1984, Joint Dog Committee 1982-1985 RDC 00069:11:41 1970-1984
Dog Control: Stock Infections Data-1980-1983 RDC 00069:12:42 1980-1983
Dog Control: Stock Infections Data-84/85 RDC 00069:12:43 1984-1985
Dog Control: Stock Infections Data-86/89 RDC 00069:13:44 1986-1989
Domains and Reserves (Specific) RDC 00069:15:56 1946-1987
Domains and Reserves (specific): Bulls Domain Usage and General - Part 1 1960-1984 RDC 00069:13:45 1960-1984
Domains and Reserves (specific): Bulls Domain Usage and General - Part 2 1984-1989 RDC 00069:13:46 1984-1989
Domains and Reserves (Specific): Bulls Domain-Sports Complex-1968-1988, -Bulls Domain-Management Plans-1976-1987, Bulls Domain-Leases-1958-1989, RDC 00069:13:47 1968-1989
Domains and Reserves (Specific): Haylock Park-1985-1987, Coastal Reserves 1958-1977 RDC 00069:14:48 1958-1987
Domains and Reserves (Specific): Koitiata (Turakina) Domain - General Information 1946-1987 RDC 00069:14:49 1946-1987