RDC A/2015/4
Creating Agency
created by (RiC-R027): Rangitikei District Council
Has beginning date
Has end date
Descriptive Note
This is an unprocessed accession, some inaccuracies may exist and the quality of the listings are variable.
Agency | Item # | Title | Notes | Start Date | End Date | Format |
Rangitikei District Council | Roll 1 | Rating/Valuation Maps - 13290-13330 | Scanned PDFs available on NAS. (not to archival standard) | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Rangitikei District Council | Roll 2 | Rating/Valuation Maps - 13350-13390 | Scanned PDFs available on NAS. (not to archival standard) | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Rangitikei District Council | Roll 3 | Rating/Valuation Maps - 13440-13530 | Scanned PDFs available on NAS. (not to archival standard) | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Rangitikei District Council | Roll 4 | Rating/Valuation Maps - 13560-13650 | Scanned PDFs available on NAS. (not to archival standard) | 1997 | 1997 | Map/plan |
Has location
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