Administrative files (2nd series)

RDC 00087
Descriptive Note

This series contains the main file system of the Rangitikei County Council, in use from 1926-1946, although papers are on file outside of these dates. These files document all aspects of the County’s work.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Rangitikei County Council
Numerically by file number
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 1936
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Abattior - Taihape District RDC 00087:3:2/A/1 1928-1929
Abattoir at Taihape on Awarua RDC 00087:1:1/A/1 1925-1925
Adam and Clerke - Timber Carting RDC 00087:10:5/A/1 1932-1932
Adding Machine RDC 00087:3:2/A/2 1928-1933
Adlam Miss Elizabeth re TeKapua Block RDC 00087:21:10/A/1 1940-1940
Administration of Counties RDC 00087:1:1/A/2 1925-1925
Agricultural Clubs - Wanganui Main Trunk Division RDC 00087:10:5/A/2 1932-1950
Agricultural University RDC 00087:1:1/A/3 1925-1926
Airport for Wanganui RDC 00087:5:3/A/2 1929-1929
Akoroa County Council - Labourers Award RDC 00087:5:3/A/3 1930-1930
Alexandra - Death of Dowager Queen Alexandra RDC 00087:1:1/A/4 1925-1926
Allen Robert Upper Tutaenui - Charitable Aid RDC 00087:3:2/A/3 1927-1927
Amalgamation of Local Bodies - Waitotara County Council RDC 00087:10:5/A/3 1933-1933
Amon A W - Lower Rangitikei RDC 00087:3:2/A/4 1927-1927
Amuri County Council - Graders RDC 00087:12:6/A/1 1933-1933
Anderson GE, ex Councillor RDC 00087:23:11/A/1 1941-1941
Anderson. J E - Road into Metal Pit Utiku Contract 674 RDC 00087:7:4/A/1 1931-1931
Andrews Chas - Carting Logs 1929 RDC 00087:5:3/A/4 1929-1929
Annotation Statutes RDC 00087:1:1/A/6 1926-1943
Annual Meeting - Council and Election of County Chairman RDC 00087:12:6/A/2 1934-1934
Annual Meeting of Council - Adjourned RDC 00087:21:10/A/2 1940-1940
APA Assurance Association - Group Insurance, RDC 00087:21:10/A/3 1940-1940
Arbour Day RDC 00087:10:5/A/4 1933-1938
Arbour Day RDC 00087:12:6/A/3 1934-1934
Arbour Day Celebrations, RDC 00087:14:7/A/2 1935-1939
Archibald Wm M - Motor Bus RDC 00087:7:4/A/2 1931-1933
Arrow P B - Sawmiller Papanui near Mataroa RDC 00087:3:2/A/5 1928-1928
Ashburton County Council RDC 00087:19:9/A/2 1938-1938
Ashburton County Council RDC 00087:1:1/A/7 1925-1929
Assessing Court RDC 00087:12:6/A/4 1934-1934
Assessment Court RDC 00087:1:1/A/8 1925-1925
Assessors - Appointment to the Assessment Court - Valuation RDC 00087:10:5/A/5 1933-1941
Associated Motorists Petrol Co Ltd RDC 00087:10:5/A/6 1933-1941
Auckland - Wellington via Taranaki Main Highway - Methods of finance various counties RDC 00087:5:3/A/5 1930-1930
Auckland Suburbans L Bodies Association (Hospital) RDC 00087:23:11/A/2 1939-1942
Audit Charges RDC 00087:10:5/A/7 1933-1933
Audit Department RDC 00087:7:4/A/3 1930-1941
Audit Department and Imprest A/c RDC 00087:21:10/A/4 1940-1940
Audit Inspector A/c RDC 00087:19:9/A/3 1938-1939
Audit Office - Balance Sheet RDC 00087:19:9/A/4 1938-1938
Audit Office - Balance Sheet RDC 00087:19:9/B/1 1939-1944
Audit Office - Chairmans Allowance RDC 00087:21:10/A/5 1940-1940
Audit Office Rulings - NZ Institute County Clerks RDC 00087:23:11/A/3 1941-1942
Auditor General RDC 00087:1:1/A/9 1925-1931
Auditor General Stock A/c, RDC 00087:14:7/A/4 1935-1935
Australasian Performing Right Association RDC 00087:1:1/A/10 1926-1926
Automatic Allocations - Public Works Grants RDC 00087:10:5/A/8 1932-1932
Automobile Association RDC 00087:1:1/A/11 1926-1929
Awake NZ Campaign RDC 00087:23:11/A/4 1942-1942
Awatere County Council RDC 00087:7:4/A/4 1931-1931