
Displaying 101 - 150 of 234818
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
"People, People" PNCC 7/5/3:1:2
"Point of View" - Radio Talks PNCC 7/1/4:12:3 1980
"Policies and Perspectives" PNCC 7/5/3:1:1
"Preparation of Rural Highways" PNCC K3/17/2:1:4
"Pride in Palmerston North" Competition PNCC 00075:10:A70/4/2 1990
"Residential Stability" PNCC 7/5/3:1:6
"Roadmaking Machinery" PNCC K3/17/2:1:13
"Royal" Chairs PNCC 1/38/1:0:6
"Scenic Drive" Street Sign PNCC 7/7/1:1:1
"Sealed and Grouted Roads" PNCC K3/17/2:1:1
"Specification for Bitumen Works" PNCC K3/17/2:1:12
"Stop" Programme PNCC 00036:11:82 1995
"Te Anau" - photos (b/w prints) and notes WDC 00268:0:102
"Te Anau" (newspaper clippings) WDC 00268:0:83 1978
"Texemul Bitumen Emulsion for Roads, Footpaths, Drives and Tennis Courts" PNCC K3/17/2:1:5
"The Banana Republic" PNCC 7/1/15:2:8 1984
"Tour Drivers Hand Book" PNCC 6/2/3:1:1
"Welcome to the Palmerston North City Corporation" PNCC 1/27/1:0:7
“Electrical Times” Magazines PNCC 10/1/1:10:29
“Evening Standard” Articles PNCC 1/22/12:1:1
“Evening Standard” Statements PNCC 1/22/12:1:3
“Filing Unknown” PNCC 1/21/2:3:23 1986
“Fishbowl” Youth Centre PNCC 15/1/2:10:26
“List of those who have not yet contributed" PNCC 11/8/2:2:4
“Patrol Warden” Sticker PNCC 1/22/18:1:1 1990
“Plans Showing Sectors of the City to be Connected to Natural Gas 1970”. PNCC 9/8/1:1:
“Town and Around” Magazine Notices and Correspondence PNCC 1/22/12:1:7 1979
“Tribune” Articles PNCC 1/22/12:1:2
(Discussion Paper) Management and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes WDC 00041:0:38
(Sections on both sides of the river) 2 sheets (WCC 7142) WDC 00057:0:6/1/32
(Wanganui) Port and Populace WDC 00041:0:15
[93] Fergusson Street, Strong Room MDC 00127:2:8 1916
[Accounts: General] RUA 00022:1:1/12 Pt1 1987
[Advertising] RUA 00022:1:1/13 Pt1 1988
[Advertising] RUA 00022:1:1/13 Pt2 1986
[Award Information] RUA 00022:1:1/6 1987
[By Laws] RUA 00022:2:1/16 1987
[Contract] No 442, Bridge Repairs, D and T Rangi RUA 00212:3:442 1946
[Courses] Letters to Council RUA 00021:5:1/16/2 Pt2 1985
[Department of Labour - Dangerous Goods] RUA 00022:2:1/22 1986
[Dog Control] RUA 00022:2:1/24 1987
[Electricity Accounts] RUA 00072:4:E17 Pt1 1945
[EMPTY] Rossmont Shopping Centre PNCC 00050B:40:E6399
[Groundwater] Extension to a Resistivity Survey for W. Ridd, Feilding HRC 00449:3:3 1989
[Groundwater] Flow Test Report - Feilding Jockey Club Bore HRC 00449:3:6 1989
[Groundwater] Flow Test Report - Waitaki International Bore HRC 00449:3:7 1989
[Groundwater] Production Test Report Pacific International College HRC 00449:3:4 1989
[Groundwater] Report on Resistivity Survey for W. Ridd, Feilding HRC 00449:3:2 1989
[Groundwater] Resistivity Survey for Foxton Borough Water Supply HRC 00449:3:5 1989
[Housing Loans] RUA 00022:3:1/43 Pt2 1981