[Invoice orders and payments - accounts general] |
RUA 00022:1:1/12 Pt3 |
1986 |
[King Country Electric Power Board: General Under verandah lighting] |
RUA 00022:4:2/16 Pt1 |
1986 |
[Mayoral Correspondence] |
RUA 00022:1:1/1 |
1987 |
[Mayors, Councillors, place of Residence and Committees] |
RUA 00022:1:1/2 |
1987 |
[Ministry of Transport - Drivers licences] |
RUA 00022:2:1/21 |
1987 |
[MISSING] Rubber Stamps |
PNCC 5/6/1:0:1 |
[National Provident Fund: Wages] |
RUA 00022:1:1/5 |
1987 |
[New Zealand Post Office - laying cable] |
RUA 00022:3:1/43 Pt1 |
1986 |
[News Bulletin Number 71: The Review of the Town and Country Planning Act] |
RUA 00022:3:1/56 |
1987 |
[NOT HELD] Building Permit Plans for Buildings on Hendon Place |
PNCC 4/13/6:26:237 |
1994 |
[NOT HELD] Building Permit Plans for buildings on Mihaere Drive |
PNCC 4/13/6:40:373 |
1994 |
[NOT HELD] Building Permit Plans for buildings on Moa Street |
PNCC 4/13/6:40:380 |
1994 |
[Office equipment and Maintenance] |
RUA 00022:2:1/27 |
1987 |
[Ohakune Borough Council: Minutes of Meetings held in August 1987] |
RUA 00022:1:1/3/16 |
1987 |
[Ohakune Borough Library: Miscellaneous] |
RUA 00022:1:1/7 |
1987 |
[Petroleum Tax] |
RUA 00022:2:1/29 |
1986 |
[Rates] |
RUA 00022:2:1/31 |
1986 |
[References Employment] |
RUA 00022:1:1/4 |
1987 |
[River Works - no file cover] |
HBRC 00009:1:11 |
1957 |
[Salaries Commission] |
RUA 00022:1:1/3 Pt1 |
1986 |
[Sale of Sections] |
RUA 00022:2:1/25 |
1987 |
[Town Planning] General |
RUA 00021:9:2/15/4 Pt1 |
1975 |
[Town Planning] General |
RUA 00021:9:2/15/4 Pt2 |
1977 |
[Town Planning] General |
RUA 00021:9:2/15/4 Pt3 |
1981 |
[Town Planning] General |
RUA 00021:9:2/15/4 Pt4 |
1984 |
[Works Department Stocktaking and Road Maintenance Levy] |
RUA 00022:4:2/1 |
1986 |
1 Anson Street, JS Rison |
WDC 00375:0:4 |
1994 |
1 Ashton Terrace, Mrs R Morris |
WDC 00375:0:6 |
1991 |
1 Cornfoot Street, Glen Ogle Trust |
WDC 00375:0:56 |
1994 |
1 Guyton Street, St Georges Gate Company |
WDC 00375:0:128 |
1995 |
1 Karoro Road Affco |
WDC 00375:0:644 |
2006 |
1 London Street, Poukawa Trust |
WDC 00375:0:229 |
1995 |
1 Morgan Street |
WDC 00375:0:530 |
2002 |
1 Pharazyn Street, WW Payne & CL Bassett |
WDC 00375:0:254 |
1995 |
1 Short Street, AF Rush |
WDC 00375:0:328 |
1 The Square, Te Marae o Hine |
PNCC 00050A:0:T25-1-PLN |
2004 (year approximate) |
1 The Square, Te Marae o Hine |
PNCC 00050A:0:T25-1-HEL |
2006 |
1 Tregarth Street Prime Childrens Trust |
WDC 00375:0:656 |
2001 |
1 Wakefield Street land occupied by council (A4) |
WDC 00316:0:6115 |
1/2 Harbour Changes |
WDC 00052:0:1 |
1/78 Purchase of Majestic site. |
WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-1/78 |
1980 |
10 - 12 Wilkie Street (former county works dept) |
WDC 00375:0:487 |
2003 |
10 Ashton Terrace, Poukawa Trust |
WDC 00375:0:14 |
1991 |
10 chain plan of suburban development in 5 year periods |
WDC 00168:0:1935 |
10 Cornfoot Street, HH Wilson |
WDC 00375:0:61 |
1987 |
10 Coromandel Court |
PNCC 00050A:0:C83-10-GEN |
1999 |
10 Dublin Street street widening (A4) |
WDC 00316:0:4923 |
10 Dublin Street TAB specified departure application (A4) |
WDC 00316:0:4934 |
10 Egmont Trust, L Bishop |
WDC 00375:0:99 |
1992 |
10 Hood Street - existing level |
WDC 00168:0:6202 |