Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North As Built |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North As Built |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Cross |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Footbridge |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:1702 |
1979 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long Connecting |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1961 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long Cross |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Path To Shops |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1964 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1961 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 |
1960 |
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Service Lane To Opie Place |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:765 |
1962 |
Wilson Dublin Ingestre Bassett Nelson - St Hill Street traffic restraints |
WDC 00168:0:6990 |
Wilson DW - Parewanui - Water, Pipe under Road |
RDC 00087:19:8/W/5 |
1937 |
Wilson Guyton Churton Street block plan (A1) |
WDC 00316:0:6123 |
Wilson H N - Timber Traffic |
RDC 00087:5:2/W/8 |
1933 |
Wilson HN - Timber Carting |
RDC 00087:21:9/W/7 |
1938 |
Wilson HN - Timber Carting from Simpsons,Wilson,Whisker |
RDC 00087:12:5/W/5 |
1932 |
Wilson Horace - Lake Alice Road - Metalling |
RDC 00046:8:8-27 |
1922 |
Wilson Park Pavilion |
RDC 00063:1:18 |
1977 |
Wilson Park Playground |
RDC 00050:26:8/16 Pt2 |
Wilson Park, Plan of Wilson Park |
RDC 00256:1:51 |
1976 |
Wilson SH Ormond MP Rangitikei |
RDC 00087:16:7/W/10 |
1938 |
Wilson Sir James (Deceased) |
RDC 00087:7:3/W/9 |
1929 |
Wilson Street - Bassett Street to Ingestre Street kerb and channel construction |
WDC 00168:0:2340 |
Wilson Street - Lucas building - test bores |
WDC 00168:0:3126 |
Wilson Street Bulls - Sec 128 Public Works Act 1928 |
RDC 00087:12:5/W/6 |
1932 |
Wilson Street construction |
WDC 00168:0:121 |
Wilson Street Guyton Street fire station site & plans for buildings (A1) |
WDC 00316:0:4995 |
Wilson Street Maria Place Cooks Gardens possible siting Tenderkist band (A4) |
WDC 00316:0:4863 |
Wilson Street Maria-Ridgway extension restricted parking |
WDC 00168:0:8120 |
Wilson Street no 3. Resource consent application Carey and Paul Hackett. Establish a recreation activity which does not comply withcar parking. |
WDC 00438:0:4/101/315 |
Wilson Street no 38. Conditional use application NZ Foundation for Health and Science in Sport. To erect a building in which activities accessory to recreational uses may be carried out adjacent to the YMCA. Lot 2 DP 28518. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/47 |
Wilson Street no 50A. Specified departure application AP Blinkhorne and WG Carroll. To use a property in an M1 zone as a wholesale retail outlet of gardening supplies including seeds and plants. Part Section 222 Town of Wanganui. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/40 |
Wilson Street no 51. Conditional use application Wanganui Taxis CNG Ltd. To relocate an existing CNG plant for the purpose of supplying the general public. Lot 265 DP 28348. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/65 |
Wilson Street no 51. Conditional use application Wanganui Vehicle Holdings. Used vehicle sales yard. Sec 265 Town of Wanganui. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/134 |
Wilson Street no 76. Conditonal use application Eide and Co Ltd. Rental car premises with a single storied building. Lot 1 DP 24746. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/127 |
Wilson Street no 80. Conditional use application RA Hutchins. To operate a car sales yard in an M1 zone. Part Lot 1 DP 24746. |
WDC 00438:0:3/30/96 |
Wilson Street sewers |
WDC 00168:0:57 |
Wilson Street sewers |
WDC 00168:0:58 |
Wilson Street Tylee House (A2) |
WDC 00316:0:4733 |
Wilson, H R and J B |
HBRC 00006:2:78 |
1940 |
Wilsons Rd - Ruanui Riding - Metalling |
RDC 00087:14:6/R/32 |
1934 |
Wilsons Road |
RUA 00055:5:239 |
1935 |
Wilsons Road, Dunollie school - Arapata Section Formation & Metalling |
MDC 00129:6:336 |
1963 |
Wilton AJ - Fence on Ongo Road Hunterville |
RDC 00087:12:5/W/7 |
1932 |
Wiltshire Place, Palmerston North Roading and Water Plan and Long Section As built |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:1841 |
1983 |