
Displaying 228301 - 228350 of 229749
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North As Built PNCC 4/8/2:0:716
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North As Built PNCC 4/8/2:0:716
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Cross PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Footbridge PNCC 4/8/2:0:1702 1979
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long Connecting PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1961
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Long Cross PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Path To Shops PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1964
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1961
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Plan PNCC 4/8/2:0:716 1960
Wilson Crescent, Palmerston North Service Lane To Opie Place PNCC 4/8/2:0:765 1962
Wilson Dublin Ingestre Bassett Nelson - St Hill Street traffic restraints WDC 00168:0:6990
Wilson DW - Parewanui - Water, Pipe under Road RDC 00087:19:8/W/5 1937
Wilson Guyton Churton Street block plan (A1) WDC 00316:0:6123
Wilson H N - Timber Traffic RDC 00087:5:2/W/8 1933
Wilson HN - Timber Carting RDC 00087:21:9/W/7 1938
Wilson HN - Timber Carting from Simpsons,Wilson,Whisker RDC 00087:12:5/W/5 1932
Wilson Horace - Lake Alice Road - Metalling RDC 00046:8:8-27 1922
Wilson Park Pavilion RDC 00063:1:18 1977
Wilson Park Playground RDC 00050:26:8/16 Pt2
Wilson Park, Plan of Wilson Park RDC 00256:1:51 1976
Wilson SH Ormond MP Rangitikei RDC 00087:16:7/W/10 1938
Wilson Sir James (Deceased) RDC 00087:7:3/W/9 1929
Wilson Street - Bassett Street to Ingestre Street kerb and channel construction WDC 00168:0:2340
Wilson Street - Lucas building - test bores WDC 00168:0:3126
Wilson Street Bulls - Sec 128 Public Works Act 1928 RDC 00087:12:5/W/6 1932
Wilson Street construction WDC 00168:0:121
Wilson Street Guyton Street fire station site & plans for buildings (A1) WDC 00316:0:4995
Wilson Street Maria Place Cooks Gardens possible siting Tenderkist band (A4) WDC 00316:0:4863
Wilson Street Maria-Ridgway extension restricted parking WDC 00168:0:8120
Wilson Street no 3. Resource consent application Carey and Paul Hackett. Establish a recreation activity which does not comply withcar parking. WDC 00438:0:4/101/315
Wilson Street no 38. Conditional use application NZ Foundation for Health and Science in Sport. To erect a building in which activities accessory to recreational uses may be carried out adjacent to the YMCA. Lot 2 DP 28518. WDC 00438:0:3/30/47
Wilson Street no 50A. Specified departure application AP Blinkhorne and WG Carroll. To use a property in an M1 zone as a wholesale retail outlet of gardening supplies including seeds and plants. Part Section 222 Town of Wanganui. WDC 00438:0:3/30/40
Wilson Street no 51. Conditional use application Wanganui Taxis CNG Ltd. To relocate an existing CNG plant for the purpose of supplying the general public. Lot 265 DP 28348. WDC 00438:0:3/30/65
Wilson Street no 51. Conditional use application Wanganui Vehicle Holdings. Used vehicle sales yard. Sec 265 Town of Wanganui. WDC 00438:0:3/30/134
Wilson Street no 76. Conditonal use application Eide and Co Ltd. Rental car premises with a single storied building. Lot 1 DP 24746. WDC 00438:0:3/30/127
Wilson Street no 80. Conditional use application RA Hutchins. To operate a car sales yard in an M1 zone. Part Lot 1 DP 24746. WDC 00438:0:3/30/96
Wilson Street sewers WDC 00168:0:57
Wilson Street sewers WDC 00168:0:58
Wilson Street Tylee House (A2) WDC 00316:0:4733
Wilson, H R and J B HBRC 00006:2:78 1940
Wilsons Rd - Ruanui Riding - Metalling RDC 00087:14:6/R/32 1934
Wilsons Road RUA 00055:5:239 1935
Wilsons Road, Dunollie school - Arapata Section Formation & Metalling MDC 00129:6:336 1963
Wilton AJ - Fence on Ongo Road Hunterville RDC 00087:12:5/W/7 1932
Wiltshire Place, Palmerston North Roading and Water Plan and Long Section As built PNCC 4/8/2:0:1841 1983