Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Reconstruction Long Cross Section |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2942 |
1974 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Sewerage Long Section Line 24 |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2866 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Sewerage Long Section Line 36 |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2872 |
1986 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Sewerage Long Section Line 37 |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2873 |
1986 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Stormwater Construction Plan and Section Cambridge Avenue Area |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:3993 |
2001 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Water Supply Reticulation |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2891 |
Wyndham Street, Ashhurst Wyndham/Salisbury Ashhurst Wyndham Street Kerb and Channel and Footpath |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:3190 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Long SS |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:1023 |
1966 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Footpath Development |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2133 |
1983 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Location Plan and Site Layout |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1983 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Elevation Of Cupboards |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1983 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Firewall |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Floor, Framing, Electrical, Bracing Plans |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Path and Screen Layout |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Sections |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Services, Plan and Long Section |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2133 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 1 Site Set-Out and Services |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2078 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Bathroom and Kitchen Elevations |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Drying Area |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Roading Plan and Long Section |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2133 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Section |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Sections |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Services Plan, Long Section Sewer and Sw |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2133 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Site Layout |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Site Services, Layout and Location Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Unit 1 Electrical Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Stage 2 Unit 1 Floor Plan, Unit 2 Bracing Plan |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2289 |
1985 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Pensioner Housing Watermain Diagrammatic Layout |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:2133 |
1984 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Subdivision Oban Place Long Section |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:1161 |
Wyndham Street, Palmerston North Vg Reticulation |
PNCC 4/8/2:0:814 |
1969 |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:5: |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:6: |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:1: |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:2: |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:3: |
X-Ray Photographs of Underground Gas Pipes |
PNCC 9/3/1:4: |
Xmas Greetings |
RDC 00087:7:3/X/1 |
1929 |
Xmas Greetings |
RDC 00087:14:6/X/1 |
1933 |
Xmas parade. (photo club) |
WDC 00326:0:60 |
Y Miscellaneous |
WDC 00038:0:422 |
Yard Dispensations T/10/8 |
WDC 00455:0:658 |
Yards of metal laid between June and September |
HDC 00316:3:1921/302 |
1921 |
Yardstick Pools Report 2006 |
WDC 00363:11:259 |
2006 |
Yardstick Report 2003 |
WDC 00363:11:257 |
2003 |
Yardstick Report 2005 |
WDC 00363:11:258 |
2005 |
Year 2000 Taskforce Jul 1999-Jan 2000. *RESTRICTED* |
WDC 00329:0:144 |
2000 |
Yearly Reports |
HRC 00042:4:20/1 |
1956 |
Yearly Works Programme |
HRC 00042:3:11/1 |
1958 |
WDC 00003:0:X1 |
1967 |
YMCA Camp, Pattersons Spur Rd |
MDC 00022:2:45 |
1930 |