
Displaying 301 - 350 of 234822
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
12 Short Street, KH & LO Rush WDC 00375:0:331 1985
12 Tregenna Street, A Hardwick-Smith WDC 00375:0:375 1996
12 Wilkie Street County Works Department (file 1) WDC 00375:0:435 1998
12,14,16 Cornfoot Street, Cursor Computer Consultants WDC 00375:0:62 1994
12" trunk main Westmere reservoir to Castlecliff WDC 00075:0:155
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120H-PLN 2008
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120M
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-GEN 2007
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-HEL 2006 (year approximate)
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-PLN Pt 2 2005
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-PLN Pt 3 2006
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-PLN Pt 4 2006-05
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-PLN Pt 5 2006-11
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120B-PLN 2000
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120C-PLN 1999
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120D 2005
120 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-120-PLN Pt 6
120/86 Purchase of land for widening Aramoho Post Office Somme Parade. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-120/86 1989
121 Papaiti Road purchase from TJ Cox WDC 00375:0:560 2006
121 Park Road PNCC 00050A:0:P17-121-PLN
121,475 pound loan WDC 00072:0:658 1933
121/86 Purchase of building Taupo Quay Wanganui Rowing Association. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-121/86 1990
122 Queen Street PNCC 00050A:0:Q1-122 1996
122/86 Purchase of property 25 Ridgway Street. (Meteor Printers) WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-122/86 1988
123/86 Purchase of 29 Ridgway Street from Adit Finance Limited. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-123/86 1987
123C Park Road PNCC 00050A:0:P17-123C 2008
124/86 Purchase of 30 and 40 Drews Avenue. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-124/86
125 Years PNCC 00030:6:5
125 Years Booklet and Celebration Papers RDC 00059:2:10 2004
125/86 Purchase of land for widening 173 Somme Parade NZ Railways. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-125/86 1990
126 Duncan Street B E & T Gullery specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6102
126/86 Armstrong Barton - building. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-126/86
127 Park Road PNCC 00050A:0:P17-127-PLN 2003
127/86 Purchase for centre road development Sussex Road/Springvale Road (G Lott). WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-127/86 1988
128 Duncan Street R F & R H Rutland specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6133
128 Hatrick Street WDC 00375:0:603 1998
128 Ridgway Street to NZIG conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6034
128 Salisbury Street PNCC 00050A:0:S8-128-PLN Pt 1 2004
128/86 Purchase of land for widening 159 Somme Parade from Doctors R & E Williams. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-128/86 1990
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129 Pt 4 2009
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-GEN Pt 5
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-CON 1998
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-GRA 2006
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-HEL 2006
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-NEWS Pt 1 2010
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-PLN Pt 1 2001
129 Tennent Drive PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-PLN Pt 2 2010
129 Tennent Drive - Recreational Facility PNCC 00050A:0:T14-129-REC 1996
129/87 Purchase of 36 Ridgway Street Colin Thompson. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-129/87 1989
13 Ashton Terrace, BM Berghuis WDC 00375:0:17 1990