
Displaying 401 - 450 of 234563
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
145/88 Purchase of land 31-33 London Street RM McCulloch (land for widening). WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-145/88
146/88 Land for Dorset Road extension D McMurray. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-146/88 1989
1461 Napier Road, Ashhurst PNCC 00050A:0:N30-1461-HEL Pt 1 2006
147/88 Purchase of 36 Lincoln Road TC Roberts. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-147/88
148 Taupo Quay WDC 00375:0:599 2004
148 Taupo Quay & Hatrick Street East WDC 00375:0:600 2006
148/88 Purchase of 29 Surrey Road. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-148/88
148A Taupo Quay (sale of rail corridor) WDC 00375:0:472 2003
148A Taupo Quay (sale of rail corridor) WDC 00375:0:471 2005
148A Taupo Quay Sale of Rail Corridor WDC 00375:0:430 2000
149/88 Purchase of 41 Taupo Quay Anner and Bishop. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-149/88 1990
14A Sussex Road WDC 00375:0:595 2000
15 Ashton Terrace, GK & PM McGregor WDC 00375:0:19 1999
15 Churton Street Road Reserve Quay Motor Co WDC 00375:0:642
15 Cornfoot Street WDC 00375:0:607 1999
15 Cross Street, C Mitchel-Anyon WDC 00375:0:83 1995
15 Dairy Farm Road PNCC 00050A:0:D3-15-PLN 2005
15 Hood St, Mrs Kiddie - Pie Cart (redundant not sold) WDC 00375:0:178
15 Jackson Street, NC & MN Flyger WDC 00375:0:194 1992
15 Laird Street, Mrs M Forward WDC 00375:0:208 1995
15 Lowther Street to 42 London Street Yardmaster NZ Ltd conditional use app lication (A4) WDC 00316:0:6049
15 Municipal Dwellings WDC 00075:0:18
15 Murch Place, Mrs ME Dillon WDC 00375:0:245 1995
15 Polson Street, RW Christensen WDC 00375:0:262 1989
15 Purnell Street, Simms & McGowan WDC 00375:0:291 1995
15 Sarjeant Street, Poukawa Trust WDC 00375:0:322 1995
15 Short Street, HR & LD Owen WDC 00375:0:333 1991
15 Waitote Street, Miss SM Brightwell WDC 00375:0:386 1989
15" back drain, Surrey Road - Lincoln Road WDC 00168:0:2494
15/79 WA Dodds - 34 Lincoln Road - rear land for centre road. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-15/79 1981
150 - 152 Mount View Road Mr A C Corfe licence to occupy road reservs (A4) WDC 00316:0:6070
150 King Street PNCC 00050A:0:K30-150 2002
150/88 Purchase of 62 St Hill Street Webb and Knowles. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-150/88 1989
150th Anniversary Wall Hanging PNCC 35/2:7:1
151 Guyton Street Newton King Ltd Conditional use application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6131
151 London Street J C L Higgs specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:6135
151/88 Purchase of lessees interest 1G Taupo Quay R Winder. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-151/88 1991
152/89 Purchase of lessees interest 5 Taupo Quay. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-152/89 1989
153 Papaiti Road (Vincent) WDC 00375:0:562 2005
153/89 Purchase of land Reserve Taupo Quay Quay Developments Limited. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-153/89 1990
154/89 Purchase of land 24 Somme Parade (Cairnbrae Hotel) T Fleming. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-154/89 1993
155/89 Purchase of 40 St Hill Street 25 Victoria Avenue (Asda Corporation). WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-155/89 1991
155A Victoria Avenue PNCC 00050A:0:V5-155A-PLN 2003
156/89 Proposed relocation of property 61 Somme Parade. WDC 00074:0:1/10/1-156/89
157 Somme Parade Mrs B Horo road widening (A4) WDC 00316:0:4764
158 Somme Parade WDC 00375:0:577 1994
16 Abbot Street WDC 00375:0:520 2002
16 Abbot Street Parks Nursery WDC 00375:0:389 2001
16 Abbot Street Wanganui City Council specified departure application (A4) WDC 00316:0:4801
16 Egmont Street, Poukawa Trust WDC 00375:0:104 1995