Ruapehu District Council

Ruapehu District Council logo

The Ruapehu District Council was formed in 1989 from an amalgamation of the Taumarunui County Council, Taumarunui Borough Council and Waimarino District Council. The Ruapehu District Council Collection contains the records of these and numerous predecessor organisations that operated within the current district boundaries from 1902-1989.

The types of records found in the Ruapehu archives include:

  • Account and Balance sheets;
  • Aerial photographs;
  • Building permit registers;
  • Correspondence files;
  • Council minute books;
  • Drivers license records;
  • Letter books;
  • Photograph albums;
  • Rate Books;
  • Valuation rolls


Displaying 1 - 50 of 232
Title Sort descending Identifier (RiC-A22) Dates
Aerial Photographs of Taumarunui Borough RUA 00136 1949-10-04
Aerial Photographs of Taumarunui Borough RUA 00137 1967-10-12-1968-12-18
Aerial Photographs of Taumarunui Borough CBD RUA 00138 1967-10-25-1967-10-25
Aerial Photographs, Miscellaneous Taumarunui Borough Prints RUA 00139 1966-06-15-1972-09-30
Aerial Photographs, Miscellaneous Taumarunui County Prints RUA 00141 1948-10-12-1969-04-17
Aerial Photographs, Miscellaneous Taumarunui County Roading Prints RUA 00140 1941-09-23-1970 (year approximate)
Aerial Photographs, Mosaic of Taumarunui Borough RUA 00135 1949-10-04-1949-10-04
Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts - audited copies [Balance Sheets] RUA 00041 1946-1974
Annual Reports and Statement of Accounts - Published copies [Balance Sheets] RUA 00040 1920-1943
Applications for Motor Driver's Licences RUA 00026 1950-1985
Audited Statement of Accounts [Balance Sheets] RUA 00052 1956-1979
Balance Sheets RUA 00099 1912-1921
Bank Pay-in Form Book RUA 00045 1960-1969
Books of Newspaper Clippings of Topical Issues RUA 00067 1972-1985
Books of Newspaper Clippings of Topical Issues RUA 00068 1918-1988
Borough Engineers Subject Files, 1st sequence RUA 00038 1935-1963
Borough Engineers Subject Files, 2nd sequence RUA 00039 1963-1980
Building and Plumbing Record RUA 00114 1979-1988
Building Permit Checksheets and Correspondence RUA 00088 1982-1989
Building Permit Form Books RUA 00090 1957-1980
Building Permit Form Books RUA 00091 1959-1981
Building Permit Forms RUA 00036 1953-1987
Building Permit Indexes RUA 00093 1958-1989
Building Permits Issued Register RUA 00111 1985-1990
Building Permits Register RUA 00112 1967-1988
Building Permits Register RUA 00116 1989-1993
Building Permits Registers RUA 00113 1975-1991
Cash Book RUA 00042 1941-1975
Cash Book and Journal RUA 00211 1922-1969
Contracts, 1st sequence RUA 00056 1923-1930
Corporate File System RUA 00142 1989-2016
Correspondence files RUA 00018 1965-1987
Correspondence files RUA 00019 1987-1989
Correspondence files RUA 00079 1958-1972
Correspondence files RUA 00100 1940-1956
Correspondence files RUA 00128 1935-1956
Correspondence files [1st sequence] RUA 00126 1956-1962
Correspondence files [2nd sequence] RUA 00127 1954-1956
Correspondence files [2nd series] RUA 00016 1963-1989
Correspondence files, 1st sequence RUA 00020 1971-1977
Correspondence files, 1st sequence RUA 00055 1924-1955
Correspondence files, 2nd sequence RUA 00021 1977-1985
Correspondence files, 3rd sequence RUA 00022 1985-1987
Council and Committee Agendas RUA 00023 1960-1989
Council and Committee Agendas RUA 00129 1956-1971
Council and Committee Agendas (County Clerks Copies) RUA 00047 1967-1988
Council and Committee Agendas (Master files) RUA 00048 1970-1989
County Engineer's files RUA 00101 1951-1968
Debentures RUA 00150 1910-1911
District Scheme Approved Changes RUA 00087 1982-1987