
Displaying 301 - 350 of 4130
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Aerial Photographs, Transparencies for Survey of Ohau to Manakau Rivers Flood Mapping HRC 00396
Aerial Photographs, Transparencies for Survey of South Manawatu River Flood Plain Mapping HRC 00395
Aerial Photographs, Transparencies for Survey SN12070, Lower Manawatu River HRC 00391 1993
Aerial Photographs, Urban Area Wanganui WDC 00457 1968-03-18
Agenda and Papers RDC 00112 1989
Agenda for Council and Committee meetings TDC 00091 1987
Agenda for Council meetings MDC 00411 1989
Agenda, Committee Minutes, Reports and Correspondence for Board WDC 00220 1988
Agendas and Correspondence Schedules HBRC 00032 1989
Agendas and Management Accounts WDC 00373 1999
Agendas and Papers RDC 00110 1989
Agendas and Reports WDC 00329 2001
Agendas and Reports County Clerks copy RDC 00135 1979
Agendas and Reports County Engineers copy RDC 00134 1969
Agendas and Reports, Manawatu Wanganui Regional Council, Committees, Subcommittees, Groups HRC 00455 2019-09
Agendas Reports and Management Accounts WDC 00372 1998
Air Quality Records HBRC 00092 1996
Airport Plans WDC 00374 1955
Akitio County Committee for War Funds Minutes of Meetings TDC 00231 1942
Akitio County Council Agendas for Council Meetings TDC 00001 1976
Akitio County Council Bridge Register TDC 00684 1965
Akitio County Council Building Permit Files TDC 00044 1968
Akitio County Council Building Permit Form Books TDC 00045 1974
Akitio County Council Inward and outward correspondence in Subject Files TDC 00003 1976
Akitio County Council Inward Correspondence TDC 00002 1911
Akitio County Council Minute Books TDC 00285 1976
Akitio County Council Outwards Correspondence Letter books and Akitio Road Board Outwards Correspondence Letterbook TDC 00239 1927
Akitio County Council Rate Arrears Book TDC 00682 1920
Akitio County Council Rate Books TDC 00300 1969
Akitio County Council, Rangers Cash Book TDC 00251 1966
Akitio County War Memorial Fund Committee Ledger TDC 00284 1963
Akitio County War Memorial Fund Committee Minutes of Meetings TDC 00229 1950
Akitio County War Relief Association Annual Financial Statements and Balance Sheets TDC 00226 1989
Akitio County War Relief Association Cash Book/Ledger TDC 00225 1983
Akitio County War Relief Association Inward and Outward Correspondence in Subject Files TDC 00220 1965
Akitio County War Relief Association Inward and Outward Correspondence re applications for assistance TDC 00222 1935
Akitio County War Relief Association Inward and Outward Correspondence re Loans & Grants TDC 00223 1935
Akitio County War Relief Association Inward and Outward Correspondence re Unsatisfactory Cases TDC 00224 1935
Akitio County War Relief Association Inward and Outward General Correspondence TDC 00219 1957
Akitio County War Relief Association Legal Documents TDC 00228 1942
Akitio County War Relief Association Minutes of Meetings TDC 00218 1989
Akitio County War Relief Association Miscellaneous Correspondence TDC 00221 1989
Akitio County War Relief Association Rules of the Association TDC 00227 1917
Akitio Patriotic Committee Minutes of Meetings TDC 00230 1944
Akitio Pest Destruction Board Rate Books HRC 00176 1973
Akitio Rabbit Board Minute Book HRC 00177 1948
Akitio Road Board Diary of the Clerk TDC 00237 1896
Akitio Road Board Meeting Papers TDC 00236 1899
Alfredton Cemetery Burial Warrants TDC 00138 1986
Alfredton Road Board Minutes of Meetings TDC 00467 1893