Akitio County Council Inward and outward correspondence in Subject Files

TDC 00003
Descriptive Note

This series contains the correspondence files of the Akitio County Council from 1922 to 1976. The information contained includes notices of sale, legal documents, contract records, extracts from New Zealand Gazettes, newspaper clippings, applications for licences, insurance policies, circulars, subsidy claims etc. They were arranged alphabetically by subject in the 1990s.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Akitio County Council
Alphabetical by Subject
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 164
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Accident Compensation TDC 00003:1:1 1934-1976
Advertising TDC 00003:1:3 1928-1975
Aerodromes & Aircrafts TDC 00003:1:2 1934-1961
Akitio Beach TDC 00003:1:4 1937-1965
Akitio Beach TDC 00003:1:5 1966-1976
Amalgamations TDC 00003:1:6 1950-1976
Anzac Day Services TDC 00003:1:7 1959-1975
Audit TDC 00003:1:8 1957-1975
Bank of New Zealand TDC 00003:1:9 1957-1975
Bridge: Waihora Stream Bridge TDC 00003:7:12 1965-1966
Bylaws TDC 00003:1:10 1960-1974
Cemetery TDC 00003:1:11 1931-1961
Civil Defence TDC 00003:1:12 1962-1975
Commonwealth Games TDC 00003:1:15 1972-1973
Community Centre TDC 00003:1:13 1948-1955
Community Centre TDC 00003:1:14 1955-1976
Council Chambers & Yard TDC 00003:1:16 1959-1976
Councillors and Chairman TDC 00003:2:1 1959-1975
Dog Registration/Hydatids TDC 00003:2:2 1964-1973
Elections & Polls TDC 00003:2:3 1959-1975
Extraordinary Elections TDC 00003:2:4 1956-1961
Fire Prevention TDC 00003:2:5 1939-1966
Gazette Notices TDC 00003:2:6 1958-1961
Health Inspection - Dilapidated Building Prosecutions TDC 00003:2:8 1962-1974
Health Inspection - General TDC 00003:2:7 1956-1975
Housing - Community TDC 00003:2:9 1945-1965
Housing - State TDC 00003:2:10 1945-1964
Inland Revenue Department TDC 00003:2:11 1953-1964
Insurance TDC 00003:2:12 1929-1976
Insurance - NZ Counties Insurance Co TDC 00003:2:13 1959-1965
Labour Department TDC 00003:2:14 1929-1975
Library (Pongaroa) TDC 00003:2:15 1932-1961
Licences - Billiard Room TDC 00003:2:18 1929-1956
Licences - Dangerous Goods TDC 00003:2:20 1968-1970
Licences - Eating Houses TDC 00003:2:19 1946-1958
Licences - Explosives TDC 00003:2:21 1958-1965
Licences - Food Premises TDC 00003:2:22 1927-1965
Licences and Permits - Miscellaneous TDC 00003:2:17 1968-1975
Licences and Permits: Hairdressers TDC 00003:5:12 1956-1965
Licences and Permits: Hawkers TDC 00003:5:13 1928-1965
Licences and Permits: Kerbside Pumps TDC 00003:5:14 1948-1966
Licences and Permits: Lodging Houses TDC 00003:5:15 1938-1941
Licences and Permits: Motor Vehicles Driver Licences (including Taxis) TDC 00003:5:16 1938-1965
Licences and Permits: Plumbing and Drainage Permits (examples) TDC 00003:5:17 1959-1966
Licences and Permits: Publicans TDC 00003:5:18 1948-1963
Licences and Permits: Saleyards TDC 00003:5:19 1938-1954
Licensing Committee TDC 00003:2:16 1962-1966
Loans - Conversion TDC 00003:3:1 1935-1935
Loans - Debentures TDC 00003:3:2 1966-1974
Loans - Housing TDC 00003:3:3 1948-1955