Mangatera Cemetery Sexton's Records

TDC 00673
Descriptive Note

Records include name of purchasee, date of sale, receipt number, name of person interred, date of interment, depth interred, date fence or stone permit issued and remarks. Most volumes include an index and list of stillborn births.

Records have slips for pages that do not match up with current records of the Tararua District Council. As of 2020, these records are still held by Tararua District Council. Any information held within the Sexton Records should be cross-referenced with these records.

Has beginning date
Has end date
2005 (year approximate)
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Dannevirke Borough Council
created by (RiC-R027): Tararua District Council
By volume
Has location
Archives Central
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke Volume 6 TDC 00673:3:6 1940-2014 (year approximate)
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke, Volume 1 TDC 00673:1:1 1912-2003 (year approximate)
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke, Volume 2 TDC 00673:1:2 1917 (year approximate)-2013
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke, Volume 3 TDC 00673:2:3 1940-2013 (year approximate)
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke, Volume 4 TDC 00673:2:4 1959 (year approximate)-2013 (year approximate)
Sexton's Book, Mangatera Cemetery, Dannevirke, Volume 5 TDC 00673:3:5 1970 (year approximate)-2010 (year approximate)