Committee Agendas Reports and Recommendations to Council

WDC 00261
Descriptive Note

Items received prior to no. 54 (1968) do not have a formal access restriction on them, however they could still contain personal information and should be checked accordingly.

Agendas and supporting documents for council committee meetings. Includes some boxes of documents relating to particular topics, and Wanganui United Council. As far as possible items are grouped by committee, but this was not always practical as committee names and structures changed over time.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
Chonological by committee - see above.
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Precedes in time
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 50 of 102
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Bylaws and Regulatory. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:83 1986-1989
City Promotion and Employment. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:57 1983-1986
City Services. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:79 1983-1986
Civic and Cultural Amenities. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:56 1979-1986
Civic and Cultural Amenities. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:55 1972-1979
Committee report book WDC 00261:0:1 1888-1901
Community Services. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:62 1988-1989
Community Services. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:61 1986-1988
Departmental Managers. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:96 1988-1989
Engineers reports WDC 00261:0:28 1961-1964
Engineers Reports WDC 00261:0:29 1963-1964
Finance and Administration. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:89 1976-1979
Finance and Administration. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:90 1979-1982
Finance. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:88 1971-1976
Gas Department reports WDC 00261:0:19 1948-1958
Gas. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:70 1969-1979
Gas. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:71 1979-1983
Health and Housing. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:69 1968-1971
Health reports and recommendations WDC 00261:0:46 1956-1964
Health reports and recommendations WDC 00261:0:47 1963-1967
Health Reports and recommendations WDC 00261:0:48 1964-1966
Health Reports and recommendations WDC 00261:0:49 1965-1966
Health Reports and recommendations WDC 00261:0:50 1967
Jubilee Stadium. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:97 1984-1988
Library and Art Gallery. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:54 1968-1977
Management Executive. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:95 1988-1989
Management. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:96 1987-1988
Miscellaneous Committee reports WDC 00261:0:51 1960-1964
Miscellaneous Committee reports WDC 00261:0:52 1964-1966
Miscellaneous Committee reports WDC 00261:0:53 1969
Parks and Recreation. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:60 1980-1986
Parks and Recreation. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:59 1972-1980
Parks recommendations WDC 00261:0:17 1964-1970
Parks recommendations WDC 00261:0:18 1971-1979
Pierre de Coubertin Institute (Athletic Hall of Fame). *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:102 1988-1990
Planning. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:67 1985-1987
Planning. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:68 1987-1989
Planning. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:64 1977-1980
Planning. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:63 1974-1977
Policy and Finance. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:91 1982-1985
Policy and Finance. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:92 1986-1987
Policy and Finance. *RESTRICTED* WDC 00261:0:93 1987-1989
Report of Tramways Committee WDC 00261:0:12 1922-1944
Report of Tramways Committee WDC 00261:0:13 1944-1950
Reports of Baths and Opera House Committees WDC 00261:0:6 1905-1918
Reports of Financial Committee WDC 00261:0:11 1938-1948
Reports of Financial Committee WDC 00261:0:10 1905-1917
Reports of Milk Committee WDC 00261:0:16 1946-1968
Reports of Officers WDC 00261:0:2 1906-1908
Reports of Opera House Committee WDC 00261:0:7 1905-1919