District Fund Duplicate Account Books

WDC 00136
Descriptive Note

Carbon copies of accounts. It is not always clear whether these are receipts or invoices. Some volumes relate to drainage and asphalting, some to solicitors’ accounts, others to general topics. Two bundles of loose papers found in the volumes have been itemised separately in the series.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Wanganui Borough/City Council
Generally chronological within each category.
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Asphalt and drainage accounts. WDC 00136:0:6 1909-1913
Distrct Fund Account - receipt book. WDC 00136:0:4 1929-1930
District Fund Account - receipt book. WDC 00136:0:2 1920-1923
District Fund receipt book. WDC 00136:0:3 1927-1929
Drainage accounts. WDC 00136:0:5 1906-1909
Drainage accounts. WDC 00136:0:7 1913-1916
Payments book. WDC 00136:0:1 1914-1916
Solicitors accounts (loose pages found inside item 9). WDC 00136:0:9 1917-1922
Solicitors accounts. WDC 00136:0:8 1910-1917
Wanganui Radium Fund - list of contributors and amounts (loose pages found inside item 3). WDC 00136:0:10 1923-1924