District Plan

WDC 00336
Descriptive Note

Contains text, planning maps, submissions to both, names/addresses of submitters, for proposed district plan. Also working drafts, and workshop documents, and approved plan operative 27 February 2004.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Whanganui District Council
Plan followed by submissions
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in District Plan

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Approved District Plan update May 2004: Minor amendment - uplift drainage designation from 70 Mosston Road; Variation 4 - changes arising from outstanding submissions to the proposed road zone; Plan change 1 - election signs. WDC 00336:0:14 2004
Approved District Plan, operative 27 February 2004 - planning maps (copy no. 57). WDC 00336:0:13 2004
Approved District Plan, operative 27 February 2004 - text (copy no. 57). WDC 00336:0:12 2004
District Plan Council workshops: results. WDC 00336:0:11 1996
District Plan rural workshop no. 2, 4 July 1995: analysis. WDC 00336:0:8 1995
District Plan rural workshop no. 2: rural issues paper, 15 June 1995. WDC 00336:0:7 1995
District Plan working draft 15 December 1995: resource management plan. WDC 00336:0:9 1995
District Plan working draft, 23 February 1996. WDC 00336:0:10 1996
Proposed District Plan - addresses - summary. WDC 00336:0:5 1996
Proposed District Plan - map submissions - summary. WDC 00336:0:4 1996
Proposed District Plan - planning maps. WDC 00336:0:2 1996
Proposed District Plan - text submissions - summary. WDC 00336:0:3 1996
Proposed District Plan - text. WDC 00336:0:1 1996
Proposed Wanganui District Plan as amended by Council decisions and subject to references to the Environment Court. WDC 00336:0:6 1998
Request for a private plan change by Mr A Stewart, Midtown Motor Inn. Proposed plan change 8: change of zoning. WDC 00336:0:18 2006
Request for a private plan change by Mr W Baxter, SH3 North, Westmere. Proposed plan change 7: change of zoning. WDC 00336:0:17 2005
Request for a private plan change to the Wanganui District Plan by Wanganui Golf Club Incorporated. Proposed plan change 6: change of zoning. WDC 00336:0:16 2005
Request for a private plan change to the Wanganui District Plan, and resource consent applications, by Effem Foods Ltd, trading as Masterfoods Australia New Zealand. WDC 00336:0:15 2005