Port Development Project Reports and Papers

WDC 00381
Descriptive Note

Items 4,8,9 contain information gathered by Bill Graham in confidential conversations. He advises (5 September 2002) that it public release should be for genuine research only, not for enquiries of a frivolous or mischievous nature. If in doubt check with CEO.

Information relating to the proposed Wanganui port development 1990-1992. The inaugural meeting of the Port Project Team was held 31 July 1991. Most items in the series were collected by Rod Davies, Activity Co-ordinator; others came from various sources, eg Councillors’ copies, so the series is a somewhat artificial one. The papers comprise minutes, economic and engineering reports, some correspondence, technical information, and reports relating to a Wanganui Harbour Board project in 1978.

Has beginning date
Has end date
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created by (RiC-R027): Whanganui District Council
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Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Record Set Type

Records in Port Development Project Reports and Papers

Displaying 1 - 27 of 27
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
75 km model to indicate total pinus radiata resource within counties of Patea, Waitotara, Wanganui and Rangitikei WDC 00381:0:16
A study framework for a feasibility study of a Wanganui bluewater port. Jeremy Neild (author) WDC 00381:0:8 1991
Beca Carter Hollings and Ferner. Resolution to siltation at Port of Wanganui; an assessment of effects on the environment. WDC 00381:0:27 1992
Economic assessment of the proposed Wanganui port expansion. Jeremy Neild, Richard Lynch, Glenda Lock, Jeff Weber (authors) WDC 00381:0:12 1992
Folder containing: (1) Port of Wanganui information on existing and proposed harbour development (report) March 1990; (2) plan of proposed harbour development; (3) newpaper clipping Wanganui Chronicle 13 September 1990 WDC 00381:0:4 1990
Marketing research report for a potential inter-island freight link between Wanganui and a South Island port *CONFIDENTIAL* WDC 00381:0:2 1989
Measurements of ocean wave climate at Wanganui and Himatangi Beach. GH Macky, RJ Cumming, EM Valentine (authors) WDC 00381:0:20 1998
Meteorological reports WDC 00381:0:22 1986-1987
Miscellaneous correspondence and background information WDC 00381:0:24 1990-1992
Miscellaneous technical data, untitled WDC 00381:0:23 1993
Plan, Wanganui Port development project WDC 00381:0:9 1991
Port of Wanganui preliminary cost and revenue projections *CONFIDENTIAL* WDC 00381:0:7 1991
Port of Wanganui preliminary trade forecasts *CONFIDENTIAL* WDC 00381:0:6 1991
Port Project Committee minutes including reports and an envelope of photographs (2 parts) WDC 00381:0:1 1989-1994
Port Promotion Group. Brochure - Port of Wanganui development proposal WDC 00381:0:26
Sediment analysis sheets WDC 00381:0:21 1992
Sounding of northern beach sections P3 to cliff and north and south mole WDC 00381:0:19 1993
The subaqueous morphology at the entrance to a jetty controlled river mouth on a moderate to high energy littoral drift dominated coast - Wanganui NZ 1981-1987. Shand, RD (author) - research project WDC 00381:0:3 1990
Wanganui harbour development prefeasibility study, plus summary report. AJ Sutherland, JL Lumsden, DW Sewell (authors) WDC 00381:0:5 1990
Wanganui port development coastal engineering considerations. WBM Pty Ltd and Coastal Consultancy International (authors) WDC 00381:0:10 1991
Wanganui port development feasibility studies coastal engineering aspects. Coastal Consultancy International and WBM Pty Ltd (authors) WDC 00381:0:11 1992
Wanganui port development part 1 summary report WDC 00381:0:14 1993
Wanganui port development part 2 appendices WDC 00381:0:15 1993
Wanganui port development summary report (draft) WDC 00381:0:13 1993
Wanganui Port Past Present and Future. Author and date unknown. Appears to be a draft report by a secondary school student, written about the time of the Port Development Project. WDC 00381:0:25
Wave height observations January-December 1969 WDC 00381:0:17 1969
Wave records - surf zone parameter record sheets January-June 1993 WDC 00381:0:18 1993