Rate Books

WDC 00308
Descriptive Note

In November 1989, local body amalgamation took place. During 1990, the Council’s financial year altered, from an April-March year to a July-June one. A transitional rate demand was issued to cover the April-June period of 1990, being a quarter of the previous year’s total rates per property (23.87% district, 1.79% regional).

Lists of properties giving occupier’s name and address, amount owing, and property data including street address and property description. In the 1990-91 year, the rate books are arranged by ward – Castlecliff, Central, Westmere, Waitotara, Parapara-Fordell, and Matarawa. In 1991-92, the books are arranged alphabetically by street address regardless of ward. From the following year, there were only two wards, urban and rural.

Has beginning date
Has end date
Linked Agent
created by (RiC-R027): Whanganui District Council
Has location
Whanganui District Council Archives
Follows in time
Record Set Type

Records in Rate Books

Displaying 1 - 50 of 54
Name Sort descending Identifier Dates
Rate Book (A-D) WDC 00308:0:26 1995-1996
Rate Book (A-D) WDC 00308:0:30 1996-1997
Rate Book (A-D) WDC 00308:0:18 1993-1994
Rate Book (A-D) WDC 00308:0:22 1994-1995
Rate Book (A-Exeter Cr No.42) WDC 00308:0:39 1998-1999
Rate Book (A-GA) WDC 00308:0:35 1997-1998
Rate Book (Abbot St-Gloucester St No.24) WDC 00308:0:43 1999-2000
Rate Book (Abbot Street - Glenn Street) WDC 00308:0:47 2000-2001
Rate Book (Abbot Street - Gloucester Street) WDC 00308:0:51 2001-2002
Rate Book (E-K) WDC 00308:0:27 1995-1996
Rate Book (E-K) WDC 00308:0:31 1996-1997
Rate Book (E-K) WDC 00308:0:19 1993-1994
Rate Book (E-K) WDC 00308:0:23 1994-1995
Rate Book (Exeter Cr No.43-Lilybank Rd) WDC 00308:0:40 1998-1999
Rate Book (Gloucester St No.25-Matipo St) WDC 00308:0:44 1999-2000
Rate Book (Gloucester Street - Mason Terrace 17A) WDC 00308:0:48 2000-2001
Rate Book (GO-L) WDC 00308:0:36 1997-1998
Rate Book (Godwin Cresent - Mason Terrace 6) WDC 00308:0:52 2001-2002
Rate Book (L-Q) WDC 00308:0:24 1994-1995
Rate Book (L-Q) WDC 00308:0:28 1995-1996
Rate Book (L-Q) WDC 00308:0:32 1996-1997
Rate Book (L-Q) WDC 00308:0:20 1993-1994
Rate Book (Lilybank Rd-Ridgway St No.92) WDC 00308:0:41 1998-1999
Rate Book (M-R) WDC 00308:0:37 1997-1998
Rate Book (Mason Terrace 19 - Somerset Road 3) WDC 00308:0:49 2000-2001
Rate Book (Mason Terrace 7 - Smithfield Road 119) WDC 00308:0:53 2001-2002
Rate Book (Matipo No.4-Smithfield Rd No.10) WDC 00308:0:45 1999-2000
Rate Book (R-S) WDC 00308:0:33 1996-1997
Rate Book (R-Z) WDC 00308:0:25 1994-1995
Rate Book (R-Z) WDC 00308:0:29 1995-1996
Rate Book (R-Z) WDC 00308:0:21 1993-1994
Rate Book (Ridgway St-Young St) WDC 00308:0:42 1998-1999
Rate Book (S-Z) WDC 00308:0:38 1997-1998
Rate Book (Smithfield Rd No.11A-Young St) WDC 00308:0:46 1999-2000
Rate Book (Smithfield Road 121 - Young Street) WDC 00308:0:54 2001-2002
Rate Book (Somerset Road 4 - Young Street) WDC 00308:0:50 2000-2001
Rate Book (T-Z) WDC 00308:0:34 1996-1997
Rate book A-D WDC 00308:0:10 1991-1992
Rate book A-D WDC 00308:0:14 1992-1993
Rate book Castlecliff & Waitotara, wards 1 & 4 (part 1) WDC 00308:0:4 1990-1991
Rate book Castlecliff & Waitotara, wards 1 & 4 (part 2) WDC 00308:0:5 1990-1991
Rate book Central & Parapara-Fordell, wards 2 & 5 (part 1) WDC 00308:0:6 1990-1991
Rate book Central & Parapara-Fordell, wards 2 & 5 (part 2) WDC 00308:0:7 1990-1991
Rate book E-K WDC 00308:0:11 1991-1992
Rate book E-K WDC 00308:0:15 1992-1993
Rate book L-Q WDC 00308:0:12 1991-1992
Rate book L-Q WDC 00308:0:16 1992-1993
Rate book R-Z WDC 00308:0:13 1991-1992
Rate book R-Z WDC 00308:0:17 1992-1993
Rate book transitional quarter A-G as at 17 May 1990 WDC 00308:0:1 1990